Don't Look Down

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Violet's POV

So the first stint of shows went well and I was really starting to settle in with the crew. David introduced me to his friends and made sure that I was involved which is really nice. Now we're flying down to London for a set of shows there. We were flying on a semi private plane which was a bit surreal really. This was a big stretch from what I'm used to or can afford. It's so quiet compared to usual and everything is so clean.
"I hate flying" I heard David moan, sitting himself beside me.
"Really?" I couldn't quite believe him.
"Oh yeah I try and avoid it as much as possible" he explained.
"How come?" I wanted to know if he was just irrational or if there was something specific.
"It's just a bit weird isn't it, it's not natural to be flying through the air in a massive metal thing" he explained, laughing at his own explanation.
"Yeah I suppose" I chuckled in return, " at least its only an hour or so to London".
We then sat chatting the time away while we waited to board our plane. There was only our crew and a few other VIPs on our plane, I was used to being crammed on with screaming babies and stag dos.

On the plane I was sat next to Rick and over the other side was Mark and David. The seats were much bigger and comfier than I was used to, there was also more space between the seats which was strange.
"Right get the beers out then!" Rick piped up once we were all seated, and right on queue Cal came out, having stolen the air hostesses-trolley.
"What can I get for you sir?" Cal asked David, doing his best air hostess impression.
"Errrm a quick shag round that corner?" David continued the joke, making everyone erupt with laughter.
"Get your own fuckin drink, you dirty old man" Cal flicked his imaginary long hair and sat back down with a beer. Everyone chuckled and passed around the drinks.

Once we were firmly up in the sky, we undid our seatbelts, moved about and got comfy.
"Hey Vi, we're playing truth or dare" Cal waved me over to the corner where a bunch of 5/6 sat including Mark and David. 'Oh brilliant' I thought, playing truth or dare with a bunch of blokes I work with and David Bowie. I reluctantly went over to join them, figuring it wouldn't be too bad if I keep drinking.
"Cal, I dare youuu" Mark grabbed a glass and poured some whiskey, vodka and a tiny splash of tonic, " to neck this" he looked proud of his invention, but everyone else screwed their faces.
"Easy!" Cal nonchalantly took the glass and almost effortlessly downed it in one. That was until it threatened to come straight back up, which prompted everyone to chuckle.
"Violet, truth or dare?" Francine announced. I gulped, there was no way I was doing a dare like that.
"Truth" I answered shyly. I watched anxiously as the others whispered back and forth.
"Shag, marry, avoid, Me, David and Cal" Francine declares and I nearly choked on my drink. The boys had the biggest smirks on their faces and Francine was also grinning eager to hear my response. Fuck.
"Ok ok. I'd avoid, Cal" I chuckled, earning a 'oooh' from the others. "sleep with David, and marry Francine" I tried to be honest but tactful.
"Awwh I'd definitely marry you sweetheart" she chuckled, meanwhile the lads were too busy guffawing at David who looked to be blushing.
"Ahhhh" the lads mocked, I wasn't really that bothered by their teasing, I had experienced plenty growing up and I had already gathered by now that boys never grow up. "Into older men then are you Vi?!" They teased, I could only shrug and laugh with them. The game luckily soon continued and the focus kept shifting around our little circle. Then before we knew it we were in London, hunting down the hotel.

"Fancy continuing the good times in our room, it's a night off tonight?" Francine caught up with me as we entered a very swish hotel reception.
"Yeah sure" I smiled back, it no longer felt like effort to get on with these people anymore.
"Yess! I like you Vi, I can see us becoming a bit of a tag team against the boys, they need showing who really runs this place every now and then" she threw her arm over my shoulder as we followed the others down the corridor.
"Definitely, I'm glad you're on the crew though not going to lie, if there were only blokes I'd have gone mad" I laughed.
"For sure, well I'll knock on for you in an hour or so" Francine said as I found my door
"Okey dokey" I nodded, letting myself in.

After a quick shower I made sure to leave enough time to make myself look a bit prettier than usual. That wasn't hard seeing as I basically lived in heavy duty work trousers, trainers and whatever t shirt I could find. I looked like I belonged on a construction site most of the time. This was the perfect time to opt for some jeans and a nice top, do my hair nicely and to put a bit of makeup on. Then almost an hour on the dot, I heard a knock on my door. However, when I opened it I found David.
"Hey?" David clearly saw the confusion on my face.
" Francine's still getting ready so I came instead" he shrugged with a soft smile.
"I see, well I'm ready now" I smiled in return, stepping out from my room.
"Great" we slowly made our way down the corridor, a silence fell upon us. "I'm sorry about the guys on the plane earlier by the way" he chirped up.
"Ohh don't be, it's ok, you boys never grow up" I chuckled, trying to lighten the conversation.
"Just tell them to fuck off if they ever overstep the line" he puffed on his cigarette.
"Thank you though" I was genuinely touched that he spoke up, it was refreshing for a man to be so considerate. We just reached the room when we heard Francine's voice bellow from behind us.
"Are we ready to partyyy!" She yelled, clutching a fresh bottle of cherry vodka.
"Aren't we always my darling?' David drawled, smoothly taking a drag on his cigarette as we turned to face her.

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