Slow Burn

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Violet's POV

Before I even open my eyes I feel my head and it's like it's full of concrete.
"Arghh" I moan, flinching awake. I was still fully clothed and laying straight as a bolt. Sitting up, I felt my stomach slip and the contents threaten to surge upwards. Expecting the worst I flee to the bathroom, just about making it to the toilet in time to throw up. There was no end to it and it was a very peculiar color which baffled me. Then I started to piece bits of the previous night back together and I realized I was in David's bathroom and that he was probably on the other side of the door moaning about me.
"Violet?" I heard his voice call right on cue. I couldn't reply for the throwing up. "Can I come in?" He cracked the door open slightly.
"Yeah" a croaked, I couldn't manage much more.
"Feeling rough huh?" He handed me a glass of water in which I gratefully received. He sat on the edge of the bath with me as it seemed I finished my little throwing up spree. "Good night though?" He questioned as I gave up leaning over the toilet bowl and turned to face him instead.
"Oh yeah" I agreed with a smirk.
"You sure can dance" he winked. I cringed. I push myself up to my feet and go to rinse my face. "Fancy getting something to eat downstairs, we'll probably see the others and it might make you feel better?" That idea sounded divine and so I headed to my room to get a quick shower and get dressed while David did the same. However, when I finished in my bathroom I didn't expect to find David already sat on my bed waiting. It was a good job I hadn't just wandered straight out in the nude.
"David!" I gasped.
"Shit sorry!" We both physically jumped a mile.
"Jesus Christ" my heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest. We both laughed the situation off and David then sat contently as I finished getting ready. We then headed around to the room that was used as a makeshift HQ for the next day or so, that's where everyone was hanging out and ordering food and drinks to. There was only us there which was a bit of a surprise but we ordered some breakfast anyway.
"What do you want?" David asked, getting the phone ready while I got myself comfy on the redundant bed.
"Like 20 slices of toast and butter and a milky coffee please" I grinned over at him as he looked very professional. He made the order then pottered about doing some bits and bobs, amusing me as he did so. Less than 5 minutes later the room service arrived and we sat on the bed, digging in.
"Bits of last night keep coming back to me" I admitted, cringing as I sipped on my coffee.
"Such as? Tell me what you remember so far" David chuckled, watching me intently.
"Well, I remember leaving here and being quite drunk then, then we went to that cool bar and I remember dancing like a dick with Francine and Vince, then you came along and we danced for a bit and then I went to spin but fell and then I remember getting into the taxi and then I remember getting back to your room" I rambled, munching on toast in-between the sentences. David nodded and smiled as I explained.
"Ok well the time between each bit is longer but yeah. You also tried getting into my bed fully clothed, and were talking complete gibberish, you were cute though" he confirmed. I almost missed the fact that he called me cute. My hungover brain couldn't quite piece it together and so I couldn't put the words together to respond, instead I just smiled shyly. "You are" he nodded, also smiling back at me, but in a slightly more confident fashion. With that Francine and a couple of the others suddenly stormed through the door.
"Fuckin hell I need some food" Francine declared, heading straightforward the bed.
"Help yourself" I offered her the plate of toast, after all David did actually order me 20 slices of toast.
"Thanks man" she grabbed a slice, before clicking onto the sight before her, "shit where did you two go last night" I could see her brain go into overdrive and jump to the obvious conclusion.
"I got absolutely hammered, David brought me back so I didn't make a fool of myself" I explained, watching Francine deflate with each word, meanwhile David got chatting to the others who entered the room.
"Did anything..." she spoke in a hushed tone. I could tell instantly what she was trying to ask.
"No!" I tried to keep my voice down, glancing to see if the others had heard.
"Damn" Francine basically rolled her eyes.
"Why, do you think something would've?" I pondered, picking at the last of my toast.
"Well" she shrugged, "its Bowie and you're young and pretty, it wouldn't be that far fetched" she reasoned. I paused to mull it over for a moment, flattered that someone described me as pretty and the idea that David would perhaps fancy sleeping with me.
"I guess so" I admitted, smiling to myself.
"Fancy doing our nails or something before tonight, mine are battered" Francine suggested, picking at her colorless nails.
"Yeah sure" I agreed, glancing at my also shabby nails. Francine had become a good friend of mine, we got on so well and it made us feel invincible against the blokes.

Our little conversation regarding David made me wonder. Was David interested in me? Was I interested in David? Of course I was interested, but what I didn't realize was, just how authentic our friendship was becoming. He wasn't just Bowie to me, he was David and I like that.

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