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David's POV

After a rocky week or so, the day of Ryan's funeral eventually arrived. We had stayed up in Manchester so Violet was close to her Dad at this time. However, we had agreed that after the funeral she would move in with me, we hadn't quite decided whether we'd base ourselves in London or New York yet. The previous week had been spent adjusting and I had done my best to help Violet come to terms things. It was a super difficult time for her but she had me to hold her hand.
"You've got this my darling" I told her, finding her in the kitchen, halfway through making cups of coffee. She turned to face me. She looked so sad but so beautiful. "I'll be holding your hand all the while" I told her, stepping to her and tenderly kissing her forehead. Both cladded in black we sipped our coffee in almost silence, the comfortable kind. I opted for a full, sleek 3 piece suit with an added black trilby hat and some black Lennon glasses to add some anonymity. While Violet looked stunning in slim black high-waist trousers paired with a black, form fitting turtle neck, with a long black blazer over the top, also paired with some blacked out sunglasses. I glanced at my watch as we finished out brews, it was almost time to head over to Ryan's, where everyone was congregating.

We were the first to arrive so I took the time to light up a cigarette. The pair of us stood waiting, leant against the fence and shared the ciggy. Before long, Violet's Dad arrived. We chatted, the usual small talk before I plucked up the courage to tell him about me asking Violet to move in. Of course he was fine with the idea and I was very relieved. People started to appear at the house, a couple of people at a time. Some of Ryan's friends arrived, along with some distant relatives and Violet pointed out his long term girlfriend who he dumped at Halloween the previous year. They were prepared to get engaged but things became too intense for Ryan so he broke it off. They stayed on good terms though clearly. After a little while of mingling, which surprisingly no one took any notice of me, which I am kind of grateful for in situations like this. The hearse arrived, and I felt Violet's hand squeeze mine tightly, I turned to face her. Her eyes were hidden by her glasses but her lips quivered and a solitary tear slipped down her cheek.
"I've got you" I told her softly, looping my arm around her waist, placing it protectively on her hip and keeping her close to me. It choked me seeing the sorry sight as people swallowed hard the reality of the day. Everyone piled into their cars and the procession began. The entire way to the cemetery, I kept one hand holding Violet's tightly while she used the other to wipe away each tears as they fell from her eyes.
"It doesn't seem real, I feel like I'm watching this happen on a tv or something" she admitted, her voice small and childlike.
"I know" I agreed in a soothing tone, using my free hand to rub her knee.
As we arrived at the cemetery, a few more people gathered, waiting with sorry looks on their faces. " ready?" I asked her, unbuckling our seatbelts. She gave a brave nod and gathered herself. I exited first and held the door open for her. As she clambered out I took her hand in mine again and we joined the congregation and with her Dad. "Ok?" I asked her Dad, he nodded, doing well at maintaining his brave face.

The ceremony was very apt, it wasn't morbid and it wasn't depressing. It was just how I imagine Ryan would've wanted it. There was music, he was a fan of soul music so there was Sam Cooke, Marvin Gaye and Aretha Franklin. There was a couple of funny, moving speeches and there were photos and a home movie put together by his friends. It was a very touching service. As it drew to an end and the casket was taken away, Sam Cooke played again as we departed the hall row by row. Violet and I avoided the gathering outside the hall and instead headed straight to Ryan's favorite local for the wake. I did my best to blend in and not attract any attention. I did not need anyone pointing me out, today of all days.

The wake was very pleasant, the soundtrack again was soul music so the air was filled with soulful sonic masterpieces. People mingled, drank and reminisced. Luckily no one did identify me, one or two gave me suspicious looks but there was no awkward identification so who cares. As the afternoon drew on, Violet's Dad started to take advantage of the cheap bar. Violet and I were sat in a booth, sipping our cold drinks and watching.
"Dads fucked" Violet announced, watching him wobble towards the bar, ordering himself another lager.
"D'you think we should try and get him home soon?" I pondered, seeing a bad outcome if we didn't act.
"Yeah, I'll get him to come over here then we can get a cab or something" she placed a loving hand on mine. So as he left the bar, Violet waved him over.
"Alright dad? We're gonna head off soon, do you want to come in our taxi?" She asked, watching her father as he fell into the booth onto the seats opposite us.
"Ah yeah, let me have this first" He stammered, waving about his pint before uneasily bringing it to his lips and chugging down a few mouthfuls.
"Of course, don't rush" Violet smiles anxiously at him.
"I'll get onto them" I added, taking out my phone and quietly making a call to my PA to organize a car. Meanwhile Violet chatted with her Dad and when I returned to the pair, I let them chat. I slipped a comforting hand onto her thigh and rubbed it reassuringly. She smiled sweetly and rested her hand on mine. Shortly, when her Dad had finished his pint, we wandered out to our lift. As we approached the car, her Dad stumbled, luckily I anticipated the movement so I managed to catch his arm, preventing him from tumbling into the road.
"Woahh there" I stated as I steadied him back on his feet and opened the door for him. "Careful lado" I chuckled, ensuring he was safely in the car. He was clearly on another planet by this point. Violet claimed the seat in the back beside her dad so I took the front seat. "Cheers man" I thanked the driver for picking us up and being patient. I had recognized him from a few lifts before. Luckily the rest of the night went smoothly and we all got home safely.

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