Without You

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Violet's POV

Seeing David in tears when I had to leave was one of the hardest things I've ever had to witness. He always seemed so strong and composed but with those tears falling from his beautiful eyes, he was just a boy. It took all my might not to burst into tears in the taxi. I busied myself with paper work to distract myself. Then I tried to think about Ryan and getting home, making that my main concern. I was soon at the airport and making my way through to the departure lounge. Just sitting down to read a magazine as I waited for my planes call, my phone rang. I picked up, to my bewilderment, it was Francine.
"Violet, where are you?" She sounded desperate for something.
"Er, the airport, why, what's wrong?" I abandoned the magazine.
"David's coming. Don't get on the plane yet!" She rushed, I thought I was mishearing her.
"You what?" I frowned, trying to make sense of her words.
"David is getting on your flight, he's on his way now. I don't know what happened between you two, but after you left, he was a mess" she explained. It still didn't make sense to me. David was supposed to be on a train to NY later that day, he shouldn't be going to London.
"You're taking the piss right? He's got to go to New York, he's got meetings?" I tried to prove that she was having me on.
"No, he's going to get on your flight instead. He said something about not losing you and was in a right state. So I told him to chase you" Francine sounded proud of her idea. I took a deep breath, trying to register the news.
"Oh shit" it finally clicked, and I began to tremble at the news.
"I've got to go, but travel safe, I love you both" Francine seemed less panicked now and hung up. Leaving me to try and compose myself before David turned up. My magazine was boring and useless now that my thoughts were consumed by David again.

No less than 10 minutes later, with half an hour until boarding, I hear that familiar voice.
"Violet!" it desperately calls. I turn my head in the direction of the voice. "Fuckin hell, Vi!" the voice of course belonged to David. I beamed as my brain configured what was happening. He was jogging towards me, looking disheveled, his hair all over and dark sunglasses covering his eyes. That was his only protection from being spotted. As he approached I saw his expression change from desperate and worried to relief and gratitude.
"David!" I remarked, feeling something shift inside me, a sense of comfort and warmth. He removed his glasses as he came to steady stop and engulfed me in the most passionate hug I've ever experienced.
"My darling, I just can't be without you" he sighed as he squeezed me into him, his brawny arms wrapping around my shoulders. The scent of cigarettes and aftershave was soothing and almost distracting. He let a quiet sob as he held me like he was never going to let me go again. "I love you for fuck sake Violet" he laughed through his tears. His words took my breath away. Luckily he was still too busy holding me tightly to notice my silence. "I need you, I'm a mess without you" he declared, finally easing his grip on me to make eye contact. His eyes were still welling with tears. I gave a fond smile before a sudden change of feeling came over me. I was no longer startled by his declaration of love and I felt adrenaline take over. My hands levitated towards his face and in one swift movement I kissed him, hard and intensely, clearly taking him by surprise. It took him a moment to catch up and reciprocate, his supple lips brushing back against mine while his fingers tangled through my hair at the base of my head. Reluctantly we broke the embrace off before things got too heated. "I don't know about you but I certainly needed that" He joked taking a cigarette as we gathered ourselves and sat down.
"So, what happens now?" I pondered, unsure of how I was supposed to take David home to my Dad and how I was going to tell Ryan that the new fella I'm seeing is only just David Bowie.
"I have a place in London, we can flit between the two" he explained, proving he had thought it through. I nodded, the thought of living with David seemed rather surreal. "I don't tour so much now compared to the early days, I'm not a spring chicken anymore, like you" he nudged me playfully.
"Are you calling me a chicken?" I sassed, raising an eyebrow at him.
"No, not really, you know what I mean" he chuckled, before throwing his arm over my shoulders as he usually does.
"You're pretty fit for your age though" I admitted, trying to keep the conversation mature but David wagged his eyebrows at my comment.
"You think I'm fit?" He chuckled, his eyes lit up, now free from tears.
"David of course I do, I know what you look like beneath those clothes" I smirked, earning another wag of David's brows. We continued to chatter and joke away the time and before too long, we were boarding the plane. David had managed to get us both put into first class, which astonished me but then he is David Bowie and he is a charmer. Once the plane was up in the air David came and sat in my booth with me. The seats were massive, big enough to squeeze us two in one and recline it a bit like a bed. We got a few suspicious looks from the stewardesses but we were only cuddling and watching some bland sit com. Anyway good luck to them if they want to try and tell David what to do.

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