Little Wonder

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Violet's POV

Much to my disbelief I spent the previous hour or so, dancing to Motown booming from the stereo with David Bowie. In all honesty the novelty had properly worn off now and I preferred the 'just David' that I had come to know. We just swayed and danced about to the soulful, upbeat music. I had never felt comfortable dancing with someone so closely before. He held me firmly yet delicately, his slim but strong arms supporting me. We chatted and giggled as we enjoyed the moment. After an hour or so though we needed hydration particularly the alcoholic kind.

We took this as an opportunity to break off and mingle with the others. I don't know how I managed it but I ended up playing shot roulette with some others. Afterwards I got talking to Vince when he randomly pulled a baggy out and asked if I wanted some. I had never taken drugs and didn't plan on it either.

"Vince?!" I was completely taken aback by the scenario.
"It's just a bit of blow, it's normal round our lot" he continued, I was flabbergasted.
"I don't do drugs" I shook my head in disbelief.
"It's genuine stuff, a nice gesture" he added, and at this point a figure was walking towards us, hopefully to save me from this awful situation. It was David. Shit.
"Hows it going people?" He chirped, taking a cigarette from his mouth. My mouth failed me.
"Everything alright?" He tried again as he reached us.
"Yeah Dave" Vince piped up unconvincingly as he fumbled with the baggy in his pocket, which caught David's attention.
"What's that?" David enquired, dragging on his cigarette. I could only watch as David's expression changed. "Vince, what the fuck is that?" His eyes went dark.
"Nothing mate" Vince's voice wobbled.
"Have you taken any of that?" He turned to me, his eyes scarily dark and piercing. I shook my head frantically, I hadn't seen this side of him yet. It was almost quite scary "Vince, get that shit out of here! I've told you not to be waving it around. Fuck off and fuck off again, I don't want to see you!" David seemed to roar, leaving me frozen. His words had their desired effect as Vince immediately made himself scarce. David took a deep drag on his cigarette and butted it out before turning to me. "You didn't take any did you?" He asked a lot more calmly, he gently took his hand and brushed his thumb against my cheekbone, looking into my eyes to check them. I shook my head.
"I'm sorry" I looked back into his uneven eyes.
"What for? You haven't done anything wrong my darling" he frowned before pulling me into a tight hug, his long, lean arms clasping my tightly. I could feel his heart beating.
"I just, it ruined the night" I stammered. David released me slightly so he could look at me better.
"No it didn't. We can save it" he smirked and glanced at his watch, "we have a few more hours, let's get really drunk and pretend it didn't happen".
"Ok" I gave a reluctant smile, relieved that he wasn't mad with me.
"You're a little wonder, you" he rubbed my back before releasing me from his arms.

He took me by the hand and we re-entered the party, heading straight for the drinks table. Now the party had settled and it was much more civilized until we returned.
"Who's up for a massive game of never have I ever then" David boomed as he made a clearing in the room. I grabbed some vodka and some strawberry soda before plonking myself down in the area David just set up. Everyone refreshed their drinks and began sitting down, including David. Francine came and sat beside me on the floor to share my vodka while David sat on a stool on the other side of me. David was definitely the ring leader, ordering everyone around and leading the jokes. Without delay, the game got under way. There was around 20/30 of us which was interesting and all at varying levels of drunkenness which was highly amusing. Even at uni we never had games this hilarious or peculiar.

"Someone can't keep their eyes off of you" Francine tried to whisper in my ear, but the alcohol prevented her from actually whispering which made me giggle.
"Who?" I questioned despite knowing full well who she meant.
"Don't be all coy, Mr Starman there" she clarified.
"Ohhhhh" the alcohol was now taking affect, my filter was dropping.
"He literally won't stop looking at you...He definitely wants to get his hands on you" she gave a dirty chuckle and sipped her drink.
"Hey Violet, it's your turn" someone called me, breaking my trance.
"Neverrr have I everrr......kissed someone of the same gender" I announced, trying hard not to stammer. All the men in the group made their immature comments and a few people took a drink. I expected David but I was surprised by a few others.
"Are you gay Violet?" Someone called.
"I thought you were straight!" Someone else added.
"Jheeeze people, one at a time" I laughed, the alcohol enhancing my confidence, "I like it all!" is all I said, swigging my strawberry vodka. Like always the little scenario was swiftly forgotten as we continued to move the game around the circle.

That was until we switched to playing truth or dare a little later on and David's turn came. He sat there, putting on an excited child's face as he waited for his dare.
"Kiss the person you find most attractive in this room" Cal announced, looking proud of himself. Rather dramatically, David pushes himself up to his feet. He sauntered round the circle, I couldn't bare to look at him so I busied myself with my drink. Then I see his denim clad legs stop in front of me. I stay gazing at his legs, knowing full well his eyes are stuck on me. The whole room falls silent as he slowly crouches down to my level and his eyes finally meet mine. It feels like an eternity as I gaze into his eyes. He moves a hand towards my face and gently uses his thumb to angle my face better towards his. The crowd almost seems to fade away as he gives a slight smirk and inches towards me. I heard a wolf whistle as his lips gently brush against mine. I close my eyes and focus on the sensation of our lips gently pressing against each other. I could almost see fireworks on my eyelids as I savored the moment. Which was brought to an abrupt end by heckling from the others and a firm nudge from Francine.
"We said kiss, not shag" Cal scoffed. I blushed and shyly watched as David awkwardly stood himself back up and returned to his spot. The comments and calls from the group just seemed to be gibberish as I tried to configure what had just happened.
"Told you!" Francine nudged me confidently. I shrugged shyly.
"He's so drunk though" I commented as the room filled with chatter again.
"So?" Francine was also drunk. Everyone was drunk. It was wonderful. For a while at least.

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