Because You're Young

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David's POV
Tonight's show seemed to drag on for what felt like forever, probably because for once I just wanted it to fly by so I could get back to Violet. Seeing her so upset earlier broke my heart. It took all my strength not to crumble at the sight. She was always so laid back and kept a strong image so seeing her trembling and sobbing stunned me. Luckily as soon as the show came to a close, I ran down the corridor and straight to the bus. Everyone else knew that Violet had received some bad news but no one knew the extent nor about the chemistry between us so they were rather startled to see me fly straight off like that.

I storm straight to her bus and find her laid out on the sofa, some chick-flick playing quietly on the TV and a half bag of chocolates on the coffee table. Relieved that she was getting some rest, I pad over to her and quietly sit myself beside her. I could see the skin around her eyes was inflamed, poor girl, as I stroked the wispy hair away from her forehead. My company caused her to stir.
"How long have you?" She squinted, pushing herself to sit up.
"Only a few minutes" I offer her a smile. She nodded in response, her cheeks flushing slightly. "How have you been?" I ponder, now seeing the whites of her eyes tinged with redness.
"Been better" She fiddled with her fingers as she spoke.
"Yeah, its such a foul thing. Did you call home?" My small talk game was awful. I felt like I was just making her worse. Unfortunately I had become accustomed to grief quite early on, similarly to how Violet is. It's a cruel world sometimes.
"Yeah, I called Ryan, we chatted a bit. He insists I finish this tour as he wants to hear all the gossip" she tried her hardest to smile, I could see straight through it though. I reciprocated a smile, unsure of what to say next. "I won't have anyone left when he goes" I hear Violet's voice break.
"Don't say that, your Dad's still around isn't he?" I queried, completely missing her point.
"He's detached himself so much since Mum died, I think I remind him of her too much" she explains, her voice starting to sound cold.
"I'm sure that isn't the case my darling" I reach out to hold her hand, trying to warm her soul, I didn't like the coldness she was beginning to emit.
"I won't have anyone, I don't have any siblings, Ryan is the only person who ever understood and accepted me, since Mum went" she shook her head and shrugged. I felt my heart sink. I needed to make her realise that wasn't the case.
"You do have people Violet. Francine has become like your big sister and she's a good'en, she'll always be there for you now....and I'm here for you Vi. I care about you, I hate seeing you like this. I want to help you get through this" my voice was strong, unaware of the passion it portrayed. Violet looked up at me with wide eyes, like I had made some massive revelation. I suppose I kind of had in her eyes.
"Do you really mean that?" She pondered, a sense of warmth returning to her tone. I gulped and nodded. A lonely tear escaped from the corner of her eye. My hand automatically drifted her to her cheek to gently wipe it away. She scooted closer to me, snaking her arms around my torso and latching onto me. The action instantly warmed my heart.
"Come sleep in my bunk with me tonight" I suggested, draping my arm over her shoulders, "I don't want you to be alone".
"That would be nice" she replied nestling her head into my shoulder. We savored the embrace for a moment longer before we broke it off to head to my bus and to get into bed. I was relieved that she agreed to sleep in my bunk with me, I really didn't like the idea of her being along at the minute. She needed the company tonight more than ever and I was more than glad to be that company.

Finding myself tucked away in my bunk with Violet right beside me, made the rather dull surroundings feel like home. Everyone else was trying to get to sleep so we chatted in hushed tones and snuggled close so we could hear better. Our faces so close, I could feel her breath ever so slightly as it brushed against the tip of my nose.

"There was this one time when I was young. Ryan is 9 years older than me" Violet began. "so when I was 5 and he was like 14, we were on holiday in Dorset. One night, I had this really bad nightmare, he let me sleep in his bed with him and we quietly read stories until I fell asleep again. Then, the next morning he took me to the beach and we played all day and he brought me all the ice lollies I wanted" she reminisced, a slight fond smile on her face. The story was so sweet and adorable, it also put into perspective our ages and the generation gap, but it only made me more fond of her. "but then I had a major sugar rush and Mum told him off for letting me have 5 ice lollies" she giggled softly.

"He sounds like a brilliant uncle" I chuckled, glad that she had some lovely memories of her childhood and Ryan.

"He is, then there was another time, at my Mum's birthday one year, he never let go of me. He was always holding my hand, carrying me or giving me a piggyback as he snuck me extra pieces of cake" she was beginning to sound tired but she insisted on chatting. As she spoke, I gently took my thumb to sweep across her cheek soothingly.

"You need to hold onto these memories my darling, they are golden. They are worth more than anything else" I told her, her smooth soft skin feeling like an angel's beneath my thumb. She nodded shyly, her eyes dropping down to my chest. "I forget you're only young still" I admit, earning her eyes to gaze back up to my eyes. She frowned slightly, taking her hand to fiddle with my necklace. "You're so worldly and bright. You're much more interesting than everyone else I meet" I added, turning her frown into a timid smile. She continued to twiddle the sliver charm between her fingers. "My darling, I think I'm falling for you?" even I was slightly surprised my words. She instantly dropped the charm and switched her wide eyes back up to mine, her mouth slightly agape.

"You think?" she gulped, I could see the startled look in her blue eyes.

"Fine. I am falling for you" I tried more confidently this time. She grinned like the cat that got the cream.

"You are ever so charming Mr Jones" she beamed, "but I'm falling for you too, for sure".

"Well thank goodness for that" I chuckled softly, "kiss me, baby". Then she did just that and butterflies erupted in my stomach. This felt like more than a kiss, this one stood for so much more. The passion and lust that flowed between our lips signified the connection we had and the potential love that could develop. Her lips tasted of sweet chocolate and heaven. I couldn't get enough and quite clearly neither could she. Our hands began to roam over each others body, her soft skin felt like silky velvet beneath my fingertips. Before things could escalate too much, we were brought back to reality by someones enormous snores. We had to try our best to stifle our giggles and decided it would be best to sleep. I made sure she dozed off first, I didn't want her lying awake all alone. I tenderly traced her arms with my fingertips and cuddled her into my form. She fit perfectly against me, her back flush with my front.

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