As The World Falls Down

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A/N: *Potential trigger warning* This chapter does touch on a sensitive topic. Read with caution if you are likely to be affected by the discussion of terminal illness etc.

Violet's POV

Running off of less than 5 hours sleep wasn't particularly ideal despite having to get to snooze with David for those sacred few hours. For the rest of the following day that nagging tired feeling that gets you behind the eyes followed me round, making everything a struggle. It was only worsened when I got a phone call from back home.
"Hi Dad?" I answered, anticipating bad news seeing as family hardly ever call me especially when they know I'm abroad.
"Hi Violet, how are you?" I heard the familiar tone of my dad's voice.
"Good, what's up Dad?" I cut to the chase, sensing something was wrong.
"Its Ryan" his voice faltered, Ryan is my Mum's brother and since she passed away last year, my relationship with him was closer than ever.
"He's got cancer". I had to swallow hard, I needed to maintain the hard shell I put up for my Dad.
"Ok" I breathed, "he'll be alright though, it's treatable right?" I hoped, finding a seat on the curb outside the venue.
"...Not exactly my's spread from his lungs, it's all over his chest" my Dad's voice was quiet and fragile.
"No!" My voice broke. I couldn't believe my ears. Ryan was only young, he couldn't be dying. I didn't want to believe it.
"I'm sorry to drop this on you Vi, but we needed to tell you....the docs say he has a year" Dad found some strength to continue.
"I'll be home in a fortnight" I declared, holding back the tears. "Get him to ring me!" I demanded before we awkwardly breaking the conversation off. I took a deep shaky breath, trying to compose myself. This couldn't be real, I felt like I was in a dream, an awful, cruel dream. The reality broke my heart and I cried into my hands as I leant my elbows on my knees. The silence was deafening, my world felt like it was caving in.
"Violet?" I heard a timid voice from behind me. I looked through my tear glazed eyes and saw David. Of course it would be him. I didn't want him to see me like this which upset me even more. "Hey" he hushed softly, rushing to my side as tears continued to flow from my eyes. He engulfed me into his secure embrace, pulling me tightly to his chest. "My darling, what's wrong?" His voice was gentle and caring. My mouth couldn't speak the words I wanted to say. "Shhh, take a deep breath" his hands held my shoulders and his eyes stared into mine. Instantly I began to calm and he must've noticed his affect as he continued to stare into my eyes. As soon as I was calm enough and my tears subsided, I threw my arms around his torso and hugged him. "What's wrong baby?" He tried again, softly rubbing my back.
"I, I got bad news from home" I stammered, my voice shaky and my breaths shallow. "My uncle isn't very well" I continued, David listened intently to the words. "He's dying" more tears seeped from my eyes, saying the words made it seem so real.
"Shit...I'm so sorry!" David squeezed me tight.
"He's more like a brother to me, since my Mum died" I wanted him to understand the connection I had with Ryan. I was closer to Ryan then anyone else in my life. David didn't say anything he just held me closely. I don't know how he did it but he calmed me down so quickly and I opened up to him sooner than I did with most people.
"Don't work tonight, or tomorrow" David announced, "call your uncle, get your head clear" he demanded.
"No, you need me" I tried to protest, I had a job to do, I couldn't let them down.
"Violet I'm not asking you, I'm telling you. You are not working tonight. I won't let you" David declares, his tone insistent.
"But David..." I tried.
"No Violet, we'll get someone to cover you. Be selfish remember" his authoritative tone almost stunned me into silence. I gave a shy smile, realizing he was only doing what was best for me. He proceeded to envelope me in another hug before we decided to saunter back into the building after having calmed down and regaining composure.
"you do what you need to do today, start tomorrow a fresh and see how you go. Do you want me to send Francine to you? I'll tell the boss what's going on" David explained as we came to the backstage area, his mind racing at double speed.
"I'll call people and probably just watch some TV on the bus, and yeah if she's not busy" I smiled awkwardly, hating to cause fuss.
"Good. I will order her to see you, whether she's busy or not. I'll come see you too" he nodded confidently as the distance between us increased.
"Thanks David" I called as David reached the door and I turned to continue down the hall. With that he disappeared and I strode down the corridor towards the buses. I took my time,taking a deep breath with each stride and doing my best to keep my mind from getting ahead of itself.

Soon enough I found myself back on the bus, in a comfy corner on the sofa, flicking through the channels. I was was watching the start of the Ferris Bueller's day off when Francine appeared on the bus. The great thing about Francine was that she knew when she needed to be serious and mature yet she also knew how to ease a situation and lighten the mood. She had a sorry look on her face as she wandered towards me. She gave a cheeky grin as she pulled a big bag of various chocolates from behind her back. I chuckled for the first time that day as she threw herself down on the sofa beside me.
"Life is so shit sometimes mate, but friends are always here to pull each other through and to provide the chocolates and shoulders to cry on" she declared, offering me first dibs of the chocolate.
"Thanks mate" I answered, grabbing a trusty kit-Kat from the bag. Francine's company was just what I needed. We just watched the movie and kept conversation light, when tears threatened she listened to what I had to say and allowed me to remove the burden. When she headed back off to do some work, I took the time to call Ryan. It was one of the most heart breaking conversations I've ever experienced. But hearing him talk put things into perspective. He didn't sound sad, and he was more upset about me being so upset.
"Listen to me Missy, you are not to come home ok! I'm still strong. I will be here when you finish this tour because I want to hear all about it, ok!" He demanded, his strength moving me to tears again.
"Ok" I lightly laughed in response, Ryan was always one for defying the system.
"I love you Vi, now go live your life and have fun. I'll be here" he finished before hanging up. His words rang in my mind way after we hung up. Talking to him made me realize how valuable life is and reminded me not to take things for granted. My tears weren't so much out of disbelief or anger. They were more out of plain sadness and a deep invisible pain. I must've cried myself to sleep because the next thing I'm aware of is waking up to David sat beside me, a hand brushing through my hair.
"How long have you?" I questioned him, rather disoriented by my impromptu snooze.
"Only a few minutes" he smiled sweetly, glancing down at me with his soft eyes.

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