We Are Hungry Men

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David's POV

England holds a special place in my heart even if I don't spend most of my time there any more, I haven't done for the past 20 years really. But being there with Violet and experiencing her England and spending time with her and her family made it even more special. During the week, Violet got to spend some quality time with Ryan and her Dad which was nice to see. Ryan was beginning to look a bit weary, the poor lad. Her Dad wasn't as bad as she made out, he just seems a little distant that's all but it must be so difficult when your partner passes away and you have a young' en to think about. Violet did look just like her Mum, cropped blonde hair and icy blue eyes, in the photos I noticed they even dressed similarly and had the same mannerisms. It puts things into perspective seeing as her Mum was born the same year as me, it reminds you not to take things for granted.

We were back in London now, getting ready to meet Duncan for dinner. A cute little Italian restaurant, a 5 minute walk from my house, it was his choice.
"You look lovely my darling" I grinned as Violet entered the living room. She was sporting a quirky paisley blouse, with a pair of super flattering peg trousers and black dr marten boots on her feet. A little makeup was also applied, making a change from her usual natural look.
"Better than the work trousers and black t shirts" she chuckled, walking over to me on the sofa.
"You look good in anything darling" I lowered my gaze and opened my arms to have her sit on my lap.
"Oh you are a charmer" she blushed, sitting herself down on my right knee, draping her legs over the left.
"It's all for you baby" I smirked, placing a hand on her thigh. Her forefinger came up to lightly trace my bottom lip, a cheeky smirk stretched across her lips. I looked into her enticing eyes before pretending to try and bite her finger.
"Hungry are we?" She raised an eyebrow and moved her hand to safety, placing it on my chest.
"Always" I nuzzled my face into her neck, I could smell her sweet musky perfume and it sent my senses into overdrive. I left a few delicate butterfly kisses along her partially exposed collarbone, finishing up with a teasing nibble, just hard enough to make her squirm a little.
"David, we can't" she protested, my actions clearly having the desired affect. I smirked proudly and eased off. "You tease"
"You're right, we should go before we get carried away" I chuckled ,standing us both up from the sofa.
"Before you get carried away you mean" Violet scoffed as we double checked that we had everything we needed.

Planting my flat cap firmly on my head, I locked the door and followed Violet down the long path and took her hand in mine. We strolled along the streets under the dimming light. Weaving our way through the streets we arrived at the restaurant a tad early but that was fine.
"We have a table booked for 3 at 6:30" I told the waiter.
"Under what name sir?" The polite waiter asked, doing a good job of being professional.
"Mr Jones" I nodded.
"It's ready for you now sir, please follow me" the young waiter had a slight Italian accent which fascinated me. Again I took Violet's hand as I followed after the waiter. We got the best table in the quaint little place, it was a large booth tucked to one side and was facing away slightly from other guests so I was unlikely to be spotted, which is always a bonus.
"This place is really cute" Violet remarked as I poured us some water. And not a moment later Duncan arrived, we instantly stood up.
"Ahh son, it's good to see you" I beamed, engulfing my son in a warm hug, "you're looking good"
"Thanks, you too" he smiled back, just seeing him so positive and grown up made me so proud, "and you must be Violet" he moved his attention to Violet and pulled her into a friendly hug.
"Yes, I'm glad we've finally got to meet" She responded before we all sat down.
"Has Dad showed you his library yet?" Duncan pondered, quizzing Violet as we browsed the menu.
"Of course he has" she chuckled, "it's wonderful"
"It's his prized possession that thing" Duncan joked. I could only shrug in response, he was right. After a little more joking and catching up we had finally decided what we wanted and the waiter took our menus away. The dinner was very pleasant. I opted for a prosciutto cannelloni, and the 'kids' had spinach ricotta and ham tortellini. As always it was good to catch up with Duncan, he makes me so proud everyday. But he and Violet were getting on like a house on fire which was lovely to watch, all worries faded away. They chatted about some books and a bit about sports. He unearthed a story about how Violet had been a bit of a footballing protege when she was a teenager which didn't surprise me greatly in all honesty, she had a tomboy air about her.
"Oh I wasn't any good really, I kept getting injured" she explained, chewing down the last bit of her pasta.
"Yeah but you wouldn't have gone to the Man United academy if you weren't any good" Duncan reasoned, sipping his water.
"You must've been technically decent just a shame you're a bit fragile" I winked, picking at the last of my meal.
"I'm not fragile!" Violet protested.
"Oh noo!" I laughed, setting down my cutlery.
"It's probably a good thing that you stopped though" Duncan indicated towards me, I guess if she had continued we probably would have never met. Shortly, the waiter came and took away our empty dishes. We continued to chatter for a little while longer and finished off our water.
"So, when are you heading back to the states?" I asked Duncan as we prepared to head off.
"Next week, Friday. College starts again on the Monday" he explained.
"Nice, I'll come round on the Friday then and see you off" I offered.
"Yeah cool, thanks Dad" he opened his arms to embrace me.
"You keep working hard kid, you're turning into a lovely young man, I'm so proud of you" I squeezed him tight before releasing him. He gave a grateful smile and turned to Violet.
"It was lovely to meet you Violet, I like you, Dad clearly likes you a lot too" he joked before embracing her in a friendly hug.
"You too, I think we're going to make a good tag team against your Dad" she joked, easing back from him and chucking. I gave a lairy smile to each of them before we turned to head our separate ways.

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