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A/N: Another potentially triggering chapter coming up, I apologize if you find it upsetting. If you ever need someone to talk to about anything I'm here Xx

Violet's POV

Going out for food with David and Duncan was lovely, it was actually quite fun. Duncan is certainly his fathers son, both witty and wise in their own rights. I was so glad Duncan accepted me as his Dad's new partner. It shows he's a decent guy and was brought up properly which also says a lot about David. Respectful, down to earth men are the Joneses. With full bellies and warm hearts we strolled back to David's place. It was a reading kind of night we agreed and so we settled down in his library with a good book each.
"David?" I pondered, breaking the comfortable silence after we got ourselves comfortable.
"Yes baby?" He replied, his eyes still scanning the words in his book.
"W..what do you want, like from life now?" I stumbled over my words, trying to push down any feeling of nerves. He stopped scanning his book, closed it and placed it down beside him, seemingly caught off guard by the random question. He focused his eyes on me, sat down  beside him on the floor.
"What, you mean like aspirations and my wants and stuff?" He leant forward, closing the gap between us. I nodded shyly, watching his face for hints. "I want to do another album in the next few years, something more jazzy" I loved listening to him talk, his voice was like velvet. "do you mean like what do I want for us?" He asked, clicking onto my intentions. I nodded again, turning slightly to place a hand on his knee and rest my chin on it. "All I know is I really like you and I want to settle down, so yeah settle down with you I guess is my answer" he gave a cute shy smile. "What do you want, you have more path ahead of you?" He ran his fingers through my hair, relaxing me.
"Don't say that" I laughed slightly before taking a deep breath to clear my mind, "I'm not entirely sure I mean I'm 23, anything could happen. Work wise I want to tour a bit more, maybe explore some other avenues like teaching or my art" I pondered, thinking aloud, "and as for us, I really like us and I think we're heading somewhere great" I smiled at the thought of a future with David, "but" I swallowed hard. "I want children" David's face unexpectedly didn't falter.
"Yeah?" He questioned, showing no sign of any change in emotion which surprised me.
"Do you want more children too?" I asked.
"Well yeah, I love children, and I love you so" he shrugged, it seemed to be a no brainer for him. "Did you think I wouldn't?" he frowned softly.
"Kinda, I mean you have Duncan and you're a busy man" I shrugged, slightly embarrassed now.
"Aw My darling, I love the prospect of having a child with you, at some point when we're both ready though" his thumb came to gently stroke my cheek, reassuring me
"Oh good" I sighed, relieved.
"Come here" he cocked his head, indicating for me to come and sit beside him. I climbed up and sat myself next to him, he protectively laid his arm over my shoulder.  "You need to learn to relax a little my darling, you worry too much" He gazed at me intently as he spoke, then he punctuated his point with a tender kiss on my temple.
"Maybe" I glanced down at my lap awkwardly.
"Yes you do. Things will always work out" he spoke against my skin and placed a second loving kiss o not temple. "I love you. I've never felt this before, this is the real thing my darling" he moved his focus down to my cheek, delicately placing another kiss there, "I will do right by you Violet" another kiss on my cheek. "Promise" he smirked, before finishing by kissing my lips with as much love and passion as the previous kisses.
"And all I want is you David" I admitted, almost in tears at the intensity of the passion. He then cuddled me into him tightly and we settled back down in each other's arms. This is what heaven must feel like.

I had another 10 days yet before I was due back out on tour, this time I was with a theatre company in the UK so it wasn't so bad as being in the states, especially with Ryan the way he was. I mainly stayed up in Manchester so I could see Ryan and we could do things together. David was staying with me too which was really comforting, it was nice to have him there to come home to each night. A few days after being up there I noticed a drastic change in Ryan, he dropped a lot of weight suddenly and his skin had turned dull and dry almost.
"Baby what's wrong?" David asked one night as we read in bed. I must've been distracted by my thoughts, too consumed to realize a tear was rolling down my cheek. As I came back to earth I realized i couldn't speak. "Oh my darling what's the matter" David urgently pulled me into him when he noticed the flood gates open and the tears streamed from my eyes. He cradled me against his chest and rubbed soothing circles on my back whilst rocking me gently. I just sobbed and sobbed until I must've ran out of liquid. David hushed, and rocked me, "baby, talk to me, please" he practically begged me. My eyes were so sore and swollen by time I had calmed down.
"He's dying" I managed to sob, the last of the tears trickling slowly down my face.
"He is my darling and I know it hard, it's awfully hard and I'm so sorry" he stroked the hair from my face, and brushed the stray tears from my cheeks. "I'm here for you" he kissed my forehead so tenderly.

I was right, the following day I went straight round to Ryan's. He had given me a key so I could come around whenever but when I got there and called as I arrived. There was no response.
"Ry?!" I tried again, searching frantically. That's when I heard the coughing from upstairs. I ran straight up there. Afraid of what I was going to find, I had no choice but to open up the door. "Ryan!". There he was leaning over the sink coughing what seemed to be his guts up. "Oh jheeze Ryan" I tried to stay calm for him but my mind was going into over drive. "I'm calling an ambulance!" I ran to find his landline and I made the call, "be quick please!" I begged them before I darted straight back to Ryan. "Just breathe Ry" I tried to calm him down but it was hard when the sink was splattered with blood. Thankfully, after a moment his coughing fit eased and he managed to settle into a steady breathing rhythm. Albeit very labored and scarily shallow, he was calmer.
"I'm sorry" he spoke in his in breaths, " you had to" my eyes welled with tears as he we sat on the bathroom floor, "see that" his eyes were full to the brim with tears. I was unsure if they were out of his emotions or due to the harshness of his coughs.
"Don't be daft, I love you" I patted his knee just as the medics burst into the house. They found us immediately and I stepped back to let them do their thing. I watched as the professionals got to work on him despite me not having any idea what was happening.
"Ok Violet, we're taking him in, he's going to need some special care" one of the medics briefed me as they prepared to stretcher poor Ryan out to the ambulance. I was paralyzed with fear and worry.
"I'm coming with him" I declared following them out of the house and to the vehicle. "Ryan, I'm here, I'm not going anywhere. I'm going to call Dad and David" I told him desperately as the ambulance pulled off. My left hand clutched his so tightly while with the other I called Dad on my mobile. Then I called David.
"It's Ryan" is all I could initially say.
"Shit, what's happened" David's voice was serious and deep.
"He's not very well, we're going to the hospital" I explained, trying to hide my tearful voice.
"I'll meet you there, I love you darling" he said before immediately hanging up.
My focus instantly returned to Ryan. He was hanging onto my hand and gazing up at me through his pained, tearful eyes.
"I'm here Ry" is all I could manage to say.

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