Chapter 18 -- Part 2

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*Sam's POV*

As soon as Nathan turned around I threw out the rest of the banana. I felt bad, but I just didn't want to eat it.

He turned around a few minutes later and smiled, "Aw did you eat it for me?" I smiled and nodded.

"Thanks babe!" He said kissing my cheek.

I laughed, "Yeah, yeah whatever. I'm going to run upstairs for a second. Do you think I need to change?"

He leaned back against the counter and looked me up and down, a slow smile spread across his face. "You look really hot. The only thing that would be better is you in less clothing." He winked and pulled me to him by my belt loops.

I laughed and wrapped my arms around his neck, "Oh really?"

"Really." He said kissing me softly.

After our first kiss at the club, I had decided that if the only thing that I could do for the rest of my life was kiss Nathan, I'd be perfectly happy. I pulled away enough that I could speak.

"Nathan, I need to go get ready." I mumbled.

He groaned, "Just a bit longer, please."

I laughed and kissed his cheek softly. "Later Nathan. Right now, I'm going to go get ready." I pulled away reluctantly. He pouted and I walked away laughing.

"It's not like I don't want to!" I called as I went up the stairs.

He grunted and I laughed. I went into the guest room and thankfully Ashley wasn't in there. I walked up to the full length mirror and lifted my tank top enough to see my stomach. I pulled at the fat and frowned. It was disgusting, I needed to work out more. I pulled my top down, it was surprising that Nathan even liked me. I sighed, grabbed my phone from the dresser, and left the room. I looked over the railing and I saw Nathan sitting at the table playing with his phone. I grinned to myself and sent him a text: You look really hot from here(; xx

He didn't have my number yet, but I was assuming he'd figure out who it was. I watched as he read the text and looked around.

My phone vibrated and I laughed as I read: Who is this? Where are you watching me from?

I quickly typed back: We've met and here's a hint, i'm in your flat.

I watched him read the text, he looked genuinely afraid. I sent him another text: Calm down Nathan. It's only your girlfriend(; xx

I waited until he read it and then I slipped sideways into his lap. He laughed and kissed me.

"You really worried me for a minute there. I thought it might be a fan that got my number and address somehow." I laughed and ran my fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck.

"Nope, it was just your girlfriend. I realized that you still didn't have my number, so I thought I'd have a little fun while giving it to you." He laughed and I watched as he saved my number in his phone.

"Can you text me our pictures? I need a new background." I said seeing how cute his was.

He grinned and sent them both to me. "How about we take some more while we wait?" He said smiling.

I grinned, "We can post some on twitter now that everyone knows about us."

"That's exactly what I was thinking." He said holding his phone out in front of us.

He put his arm around my middle and we both smiled. For another, we kissed on the lips.

"We're not posting that, Nathan." I said laughing afterwards.

He laughed, "Unfortunately."

We took a few more on his phone and then some on mine. Then, we both tweeted the best ones.

*Ashley's POV*

"Is it strange that I'm really nervous about going public with our relationship?" I asked biting my lip nervously.

Tom came over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist, "Don't be nervous beautiful. Whatever they say about it doesn't matter. All that matters is that we're both happy."

I smiled, he knew exactly what to say to make me feel better. How was it possible that he knew me so well after only knowing each other for a short period of time?!

"So, can I tweet it now?" He asked looking me in the eyes.

I grinned, "Go for it." He grinned and pulled away from me to tweet it.

"Should I change before we go?" I asked sitting on the edge of his bed.

He glanced up from his phone, "You look gorgeous, no need to change."

I grinned to myself. "You know in the past day and a half I've done more smiling than I've ever done in my life!" I said laughing.

He slipped his phone into his pocket and came over to me again. He crouched in front of me.

He looked into my eyes, "I'm happy to hear that." I had the sudden urge to tell him that I loved him, but what if it was too soon for that and it freaked him out? I opted for a kiss instead. He rose up on his knees and put one hand in my neck kissing me softly and sweetly.

"Tom." I breathed pulling away slightly.


"I don't think I've ever kissed anyone that can kiss better than you. You're pretty damn fantastic." I said laughing.

He pulled away completely and grinned, "That's funny, because I was just thinking the same thing about you." I laughed and kissed him again.

"Should we get going? I asked checking my phone. He nodded and pulled me up and into the hallway.

"Should we see what people are saying?" He asked as we walked hand in hand down the stairs.

I grimaced and nodded. I pulled my phone out and read some of my mentions. There was the one from Tom: i'm happy to announce that I have a beautiful and sweet girlfriend. Go follow Ashley everyone! @hiyaitsashley xx

I grinned, favorited and retweeted it. I read some of the other mentions, they weren't all bad surprisingly. There were things like: you are super pretty! Congrats!, We love Tom and Ashley, Take care of our Tom! And then there were things like: Can't believe he's dating you!, Why would he date you?, It was probably a joke, he'd never date someone like you.

I took a deep breath and looked up at Tom who was also reading them.

He frowned, "It's alright babe. I'm sorry some of them are being like this."

I shook my head and half smiled, "It's okay, i'd be a bit jealous too if I were them."

He laughed and kissed my cheek. "Let's grab a bite to eat and get going!" He said.

As we walked past the table Tom said, "Get a room you two!"

Sam and Nathan pulled apart from their makeout session and looked at us innocently. We all laughed and Tom and I grabbed some food and sat down with them.

"Are you girls excited?" Tom asked taking a bite of his pizza.

I nodded enthusiastically, "Over the moon!"

He laughed, "What about you Sam?"

She shrugged as she slid off of Nathan's lap and onto a chair. "Well I'm not a fan so not really." She smirked.

There was a teasing glint in her eye. I laughed and both Nathan and Tom looked at each other.

"By the end of the night, you will be a fan." Tom said looking at her.

She laughed, "Whatever you say Tom."

Hope you liked it! send me feedback, I love it! :D x

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