Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

*Nathan's POV*

"What do you mean we can't go in?! The love of my life is back there and she could be dying and you won't let me go and see her?! That's a bit messed up don't you think?!" Tom said harshly to the nurse at the information desk in the Emergency room.

"I'm sorry sir, but they are both in surgery right now. As soon as I get the doctor's clearance I'll get you both." The nurse replied patiently.

Tom just shook his head and sat down. "Thank you. We're just really worried. Can you explain why they're having surgery?" I asked.

"Well Samantha has some really bad internal bleeding and Ashley has a brain bleed from the hit on her head. When the doctor comes out I'll have him explain more." She said kindly.

I nodded and sat down next to Tom.

Those two words, internal bleeding, were playing over and over in my head.


A few hours passed and the boys and their girlfriends came to sit with us. I was in a daze. I just sat and stared off into space. I didn't register what anyone was doing around me.

Everything was a blur.

"Mr. Nathan Sykes and Mr. Tom Parker?" A nurse called.

Both Tom and I jumped up and went to her.

"Follow me please." She said walking through the big double doors.

Tom and I exchanged a worried look as we followed her. She stopped in front of two doctors.

"These two are the girls' boyfriends, they don't have any family." She said before walking away.

"Hello, I'm Doctor Grey. I've been overseeing Samantha's care." One of them said.

"And I'm Doctor Hunt. I've been overseeing Ashley's." The other said.

"I'm Tom, Ashley's boyfriend and this is Nathan, Samantha's boyfriend, please tell us they are going to be all right." Tom said running his fingers through his hair.

"Well as for Ashley, the surgery went well but we won't know anything until the swelling in her brain goes down. She has other minor issues such as: cuts, bruises, and a broken arm. I don't want to alarm you, but the cuts and bruises are pretty bad. So you need to prepare yourself before I take you in there." Doctor Hunt said.

Tom nodded, "I just want to see her." He said quietly.

The Doctor nodded and led him down the hall.

"Samantha?" I could only choke out one word.

After hearing what was wrong with Ashley, I was afraid to hear about Sam's injuries.

"She's in critical condition. When the truck hit them, it hit her side and there was a piece of metal piercing her stomach. I had to go in and remove it and fix all of the damage. She also has a number of cuts and bruises and they had to cut her leg out of the car because of the impact of the truck so it's cut up pretty badly. I also had some concerns about her health other than the crash. I'll let you see her first and then I'll come by. I want you to prepare yourself also, it looks pretty bad." He said as he led me to a room down the hall. I nodded and he opened the door slowly.

I gasped and rushed to her side. I took her hand in mine and kissed it softly. She looked so banged up. There were cuts all over her.

I started to cry, I just wanted her to wake up.

*Tom's POV*

I leaned my head against Ashley's shoulder and sobbed into her hair. She looked so terrible. I kissed her forehead and her fingertips softly.

"Ashley, please please please wake up. I need you in my life. I need you Ash. I won't be able to go on without you. You are my entire world, my entire life. I need you." I sobbed.

Sad sad sad:'( hope you liked it! Thanks for reading <3 xx

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