Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

'Ashley's POV'

"So why the super fancy dinner?" I asked glancing up at Tom as I took a bite of my steak.

He chuckled, "Can I not take my girlfriend out to a fancy dinner?"

I shrugged slightly, "Oh you can, but you rarely do... Which is why I'm asking. We usually keep it pretty chill when we go out just the two of us."

He took a moment to eat more of his steak before replying, "It makes tonight all the more special then."

I furrowed my brow, "I don't get it..."

"If I took you out to fancy dinners all the time, then tonight wouldn't be special. I like our casual dinners a lot. But it's nice to get to treat you to something special every once in awhile." He smiled.

I grinned, "Well aren't you romantic? Thank you for the special night out baby."

He lifted my hand from the table and brought it to his lips kissing it lightly, "Anything for you Ash."

The waiter came over with dessert menus. "Are you ready for some dessert?" He asked politely. Tom nodded and thanked him, taking the menus and holding one out to me. When I didn't take it, he raised his brow in confusion.

I smiled, "You know what I want already."

He laughed before passing the menus back to the waiter, "One slice of cheesecake please." The waiter took our plates and nodded before walking away.

Tom reached across the table and took my hand in his. "I love you." He said sincerely.

I grinned, "I love you too." It's true. I do love him. I love him so much it hurts.

The waiter came back shortly after with our cheesecake. I slid my fork into it and smiled happily as I popped it into my mouth.

I glanced at Tom and noticed that he wasnt enjoying any of the cheesecake. I put my fork down and meet his gaze. "What's wrong?"

He smiled, "Nothing at all actually, I'm happier than I ever imagined that I could ever be. I'm living the perfect life. Do you know when I began living this life?"

Where is this coming from? Im confused, but whatever I guess I'll go along with this.

"Uhm, when you joined the band?"

He slipped out of his chair and walked over to my side. "No, not at all. I began living this perfect life when we started dating Ashley. Ever since that day I've been so happy."

I grinned up at him, "That's so sweet Tom! But why are you standing here? People are watching you." I glanced around and a lot of people were staring at us.

"I don't think you understand beautiful, I'm so in love with you I can't even comprehend it."

I couldn't think of anything to say, where is he going with this?

He leaned forward and kissed my forehead before dropping onto one knee.

Oh my god. My eyes filled with tears instantly as he pulled out a black, velvet box.

"Ashley, I love you more than anything in the world. When I think of my future, I see you in it. When I think of my past, I don't know how I survived without you. I want you by my side, for the rest of my life. Will you marry me?"

I didn't even look at the ring in his hand, my eyes were locked on his. My heart was pounding and tears were pouring down my cheeks. He looked so sincere and so hopeful as he looked up at me with a smile on his adorable face.

The Beat Of Your Heart Will Ignite (Nathan Sykes/Tom Parker)Where stories live. Discover now