Chapter 29 -- Part 1

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Chapter 29 -- Part 1

*2 months later*

*Ashley's POV*

I was sitting at the kitchen table eating breakfast with Tom. He was sitting across from me tweeting from his phone as he ate the omlette I made for him. I was surfing the web on my Mac. I opened a new tab and searched for the nearest tattoo parlor. I heard Tom talking to Max about getting a new one. I had been wanting to get one for awhile, but I didn't want him to know until I was positive. Now that Tom and I had been together for almost four months I thought that we should go get one together. As I looked up prices Sam came up behind me.

"You're up?" Tom exclaimed. Nathan and Sam were the laziest people ever.

"Nathan smelled the omlettes, it woke him up." Sam explained yawning.

As if on cue Nathan stumbled down the stairs bleary eyed, "I did and I was hoping that you would make two more...Because you love me?" He asked wrapping his arm around me.

I laughed, "Sure Nath, I'll make two more." I said sliding off of my chair and going into the kitchen. I glanced at Sam as I walked past her, she had a disgusted look on her face.

"I know for a fact that my omlettes are very low in calories and very healthy for you. That means I don't want to hear any complaints about how this messes with your diet." I called back at her.

Nathan and Tom cracked up, "She's right!" Tom said.

I didn't need to be in the other room to know that she was rolling her eyes at them.

"Ashley, why are you looking at a tattoo parlor?" Sam called to me.

Shit, I was hoping that she wouldn't touch my computer!

"What? A tattoo parlor?" I heard Tom ask her.

I finished both omlettes and went out into the dining room. Tom was sitting where I was before and he looked up at me.

"Did you have a sudden interest in tattoos?" He asked with a teasing grin.

"Actually yeah." I admitted shyly.

Both Tom and Sam's mouths dropped open,"What?" Tom asked.

I walked over to him and he turned in his seat. He took my hand and pulled me forward so that I was between his legs.

"I was thinking of getting one on my hip and I overheard you talking about it with Max..." I said looking down at him.

He grinned, "That's awesome Ash! Let's do it!" He exclaimed reaching up to kiss me.

"Did you decide what you wanted?" Sam asked taking the laptop and clicking through the different designs.

"Actually, I've known since the minute I decided that I wanted one." I said glancing up at her.

"Oh yeah? What are you getting?" Tom asked looking up at me.

As I spoke he began to grin widely. "I wanted it to say 'Tom Parker' with a heart beside it. That is if it's okay with you." I said grinning at him.

He jumped up and kissed me sweetly, "It's absolutely okay with me! That is really sweet Ash, I love you."

"I love you too babe. What are you getting?" I asked looping my arms around his neck.

He grinned down at me, "What I've wanted since I talked to Max, your name on my chest in ink with a heart beside it."

Those words were enough to make me want to cry. I looked up at him and kissed him.

"Thank you so much Tom. You don't know how much this means to me."

If he wanted my name in ink on his chest, that meant that he planned to be with me for a long time.

*Nathan's POV*

I walked up behind Sam and looked over her shoulder at the tattoo designs.

She glanced back at me, "Nathan, I want one too."

I looked down at her and grinned, "Let's do it then."

I wanted to make her happy and the truth was that I'd wanted a tattoo for awhile but I was a bit nervous. I'd never tell her that though.

"Really?" She asked turning toward me.

"Yes, as long as you do one thing for me." I said touching her cheek gently.

"Anything!" She said happily.

"Eat that entire omlette." I said pushing the plate in front of her.

She looked down at it and then back up at me, "All of it?" She asked giving me her puppy dog face.

"Yes." I said kissing the tip of her nose.

She frowned and turned back to it. I smiled to myself as she picked up her fork. Tom, Ashley, and I had been figuring out ways to keep her eating as much as we possibly could. We had been doing a pretty good job of it for the past two months.

"Nath?" She said with her mouth full of food.

I sat down beside her and smiled, "Yes beautiful?"

"Do you want to hear what tattoo I'm getting?" She asked wiping her mouth with a napkin.

"Of course I wanna know." I said grinning at her.

"I'm getting your initials and mine in a heart on my foot." She said grinning at me and taking another bite.

"Seriously Sam? That's so awesome! Why don't I get the same but on my arm? I'd love to have your initials tattooed on me." I said grinning and kissing her softly.

"Awh thank you Nathan! You're the sweetest baby." She exclaimed jumping up to kiss me.

"You're welcome beautiful! It won't happen until you finish that omlette though." I said winking as I pulled away.

She groaned and turned back to it. I laughed and went upstairs to change.


Hope you enjoyed part 1 x

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