Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

*Jay's POV*

"I'm really worried about Tom and Nath." I said to everyone as we sat in the waiting room.

Siva nodded, "Me too mate. I walked them to the cafeteria last night while the nurses were checking vitals and they didn't speak or eat. They were like robots." He said shaking his head.

"This is hitting them really hard, I wish we could do something." Jocelyn said from her spot where she was curled up in Max's arms.

We'd all been pretty upset about the situation. Ashley and Sam were like my sisters.

"Maybe a few of us can go by the flat and get them some clothes." Max suggested.

I nodded, "That's a good idea. Do you want to go?" I asked.

"Sure." Jocelyn said getting up with Max.

"Let's just make sure we keep a close eye on both of them. We don't want them ending up as patients because they aren't eating anything." Sarah said.

We all nodded in agreement. This was going to be really hard until they woke up.

*Nathan's POV*

I was sitting in Sam's room passing my hand over her hair slowly.

"Sam I love you more than life itself. I need you to do your best and wake up for me. Can you hear me baby? Please wake up." I said quietly.

As I said that my mind drifted to what I would do if she didn't wake up.

I started to cry, "please please please." I began whispering as I kissed her hand. I was so exhausted, I fell asleep to the faint beeping of her monitors in the background. I was leaning against her bed with her hand in mine.


I awoke to the sound of really fast beeping. I shot up.

"Samantha baby what's wrong?" I asked frantically.

I passed my hands over her face and hands. I hit the call button for the nurse as the beeping suddenly stopped. I quickly looked at the monitor, the line was flat. A bunch of nurses and her doctor rushed in with a crash cart. I stood off to the side and watched in horror, tears streaming down my face.

"Samantha please don't leave me." I whispered.

The doctor took the paddles in his hand, "Clear!" He shouted and pressed them down on her body.

Her body jumped up and then lay flat again. Everyone looked toward the monitor, it was still flat.

"Charge again! Clear!" Doctor Hunt shouted and then pressed them down again.

I looked at the monitor, the lines started to jump slowly. I sighed in relief, she was still with me.

"We've got her back but we need to get her into surgery and fast. The bleeding has started again. If I don't fix it right now we could lose her." Doctor Hunt said as they began to push her bed out the door.

I followed them as far as I could and I brushed my fingers across her tattoo as they pulled her through the double doors.

"You have to come back to me baby, it's Nathan and Sam forever." I whispered as I fell to my knees in the hallway.

*Tom's POV*

I heard commotion in the hallway so I went out there. Nathan was on his knees crying. I went toward him and helped him up.

"Nathan, we have to stay strong for them. You can't break down." I said ushering him into Ashley's room.

He sat down on one of the chairs against the wall. "I'm so in love with her Tom. I want to marry her." He said looking over at me.

I was sitting beside the bed and I looked at Ashley. The nurses had washed the blood out of her blonde hair and it was spread out across her pillow.

I touched it softly, "I know what you mean. Im going to marry Ashley. You can't worry Nath, they're going to wake up. They have to." I said looking at him.

He nodded and looked down at his hands. We sat in silence for awhile until there was a knock at the door and Sam's doctor came in.

"The nurse said you were in here. I need to discuss a few things with you. Would you rather do it outside?" He asked Nathan.

Nathan shook his head, "Tom is like family."

"Well, the surgery went well. We shouldn't have any more trouble with the bleed. I needed to talk to you about her health prior to the crash."

"She was really healthy. She was always eating good food." He said quickly.

My mind drifted to Sam's major dieting to the point where she wasn't eating.

"Was she on a diet?" Doctor Hunt asked.

Nathan paused, "She was. She went through a period where she wasn't eating much, but we all were making sure she ate and she assured me that she was."

"I'm sorry Mr. Sykes but she was lying to you." Doctor Hunt said.

Nathan looked shocked, "How do you know?"

"The reason they crashed was because she passed out. She was extremely malnourished when she came in. I believe that she's anorexic."

Nathan closed his eyes and shook his head, "I knew there was something wrong, but she kept assuring me that she was fine."

"Was she having dizzy spells or feeling nauseous?"

Nathan nodded, "Right before she left the house I found her in bed. She said she was nauseous, but I don't know about any dizziness." He said.

"As soon as she recovers you're going to have to put her in a rehab facility. She needs to be there, they'll be able to make sure she is eating. If she doesn't get this care she could die. She wasn't doing very well at all when she came in." Doctor Hunt stood. "I'll come get you when Sam's back in her room."

Nathan nodded and looked at his hands. "Man Nath I'm so sorry." I said patting his back gently.

"Mate, I knew there was something wrong. I trusted her, I didn't trust my gut. It's all my fault that she was unhealthy, it's my fault that she crashed, and it's my fault that Ashley's hurt. I'm so sorry." He said with his head in his hands.

"Don't say that! It's nobody's fault, Sam wasn't healthy. The reason for her anorexia was psychological. You trusted her and she didn't tell you because she didn't want you to worry. She probably wasn't even aware that she was sick until recently. Don't blame yourself."

Hope you liked it! They're still alive! Thanks for reading! Sorry if it was a boring chapter xx

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