Chapter 9

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Chapter 9  

*Nathan's POV*

Sam was incredible. When she asked me what my name was I knew for sure that I was in love. Actually who was I kidding, I knew when her beautiful eyes met mine. I glanced at her as she walked beside me, she was beautiful.

*Max's POV*

As we walked out to the parking lot we were hit by a whole lot of girls. They were all screaming our names and holding stuff for us to sign. I smiled at Jocelyn who was standing back a little ways, her eyes wide. She smiled back and shook her head when I offered her my hand. It probably wasn't a good idea anyways, I couldn't have anyone thinking that we were dating yet.

One girl ran up to me and screamed, "I love you SO much Max! Can I please get a picture with you?!"

I laughed and hugged her, "Of course you can!"

We both smiled for the picture and then she took another of her kissing my cheek. I laughed and hugged her again as she gazed at me happily. I glanced at the other boys and they were all surrounded by fans.

I looked around and I saw that Jocelyn, Sarah, Sammi, Sam, and Ashley were all standing together watching us. I felt bad for them, we hadn't posted on Twitter what time we were flying in specifically so this wouldn't happen.

*Sam's POV*

I really did not realize just how many fans they had! This was a small group but it was still overwhelming! I was standing a good distance away with the other girls. We were watching but not interrupting.

Each of them had their eyes on a different guy, including myself. Nathan was surrounded more than the other boys. I couldn't help but feel jealous, he had just been focusing entirely on me and now as I watched his focus was on every girl but me.

I glanced away from him and to Ashley. She was smiling at Tom who was looking over a girl's head directly at her. They were so adorable! I smiled to myself and then turned my attention back to Nathan.

He was laughing with a beautiful girl around my age. She was extremely skinny and absolutely beautiful. They were taking pictures together and she was kissing his cheek for one, he was kissing her cheek for another and then she jumped on his back for the last one. His laugh carried all the way over to us as he set her down and then hugged her tightly. Just as I was going to look away so as to not torture myself any longer, his eyes met mine over her shoulder.

It felt like everything around me, everyone around me had dissapeared, it was just him and I gazing at each other across a parking lot. His mouth stretched into a grin slowly and I couldn't help but grin back, he was adorable. He winked at me as he pulled away from her and turned to hug another girl. And just like that the jealousy had dissapeared. Even with all of those girls around him, his focus had been only on me at one point.

*Ashley's POV*

I was sitting next to Tom in the backseat of Sam's car. I was sitting beside THE Tom Parker. I kept glancing at him to make sure he hadnt disappeared. I was still fairly sure that I was dreaming.

I looked to the front seats as I heard a loud laugh. Sam was driving and Nathan was in the passenger seat. They had been talking and laughing nonstop since we left the airport. Tom nudged me softly and shook his phone and then pointed at mine. I jumped at his touch, realizing once again that he hadnt dissapeared, at least not yet. He smiled and I grinned back, he was just so adorable.

I unlocked my phone and went to my texts. There was one text from Tom, I smiled as I opened it.

Who knew they'd get along so well! I havent seen him this happy in months! Think they'll be snogging before the night is over? (;

I giggled loudly and Nathan glanced back at us to see what was up. Tom and I merely smiled and when he turned around I continued to laugh silently. He winked at me and raised his eyebrows provacatively, making me laugh even more.

"What's going on back there?" Sam asked glancing at me through her rearview mirror.

I smiled, "Nothing, just talking!"  

"What's going on up there?" Tom asked with a cheeky grin.

Nathan laughed, "Nothing, just talking." I dissolved into laughter along with everyone else.

The rest of the car ride was the same. Nathan and Sam giggling and talking in the front seat and Tom and I doing the same in the backseat. When we finally arrived at their flat, my heart started to flutter again. Both Nathan and Tom jumped out of the car and ran toward the house. They hadn't been home in a few weeks so they were quite excited.

"Can you believe this?" I asked almost breathlessly.

Sam turned around and smiled, "Actually, I'm not starstruck like you are. Im more in shock at how adorable and down-to-earth Nathan is. I really like him Ash, and I barely know him." She looked down after she spoke, there was a smile on her face and a faraway look in her eyes.

I grinned, " I'm really happy that you feel that way, he seems really sweet. He's a bit different from your usual guy though, which im not complaining about! That last guy was horrid, he didn't do like anything. All you two did was watch tv and eat junk food. Ugh and let's not forget the other guy! He was smoking weed all the time! He reeked of it and so did you!"

She looked up at me and laughing lightly, " I really do have bad taste don't I? But let's not forget about your last boyfriend, Warren. He was SO full of himself and you two broke up at least once every week! He would cheat and you forgave him every single time!"

"Ugh! You're right, please NEVER let me get into a relationship like that ever again." I said remembering all those times I caught him with another girl.

It felt horrible every time, but I kept crawling back to him. He was all I had other than Sam when my stepfather was being abusive to me and Sam. I shuddered and looked up at Sam, I could see it in her eyes that she was remembering how badly he treated us.  

He was the reason we moved from America to London. I had always wanted to live here so when it got to be too much we applied to a college up here and jumped on the next plane out of LA. We've been living here for about a year now, maybe a bit longer, and we haven't heard from him.. yet.

Sam glanced behind herself and then turned back to me with a grin, "I don't think we'll have to worry about bad relationships anymore, at least not for you." I looked past her at Tom who had come outside and was walking toward my door. He was followed closely by Nathan.

I grinned at her, "Maybe not for you either."

She turned around and laughed, "I sure hope not!"


Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! :) thanks LOADS for reading. xxxx

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