The Return-Chapter 35

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(Y/n pov)

A cold wind brushed across my face. I forced my eyes open. 

"I've slept enough, time to be productive"

I shifted slightly. I felt Deidara's arms release their hold on my body. 

".....he was.....nevermind I shouldn't overthink it. What were we doing? Oh, we were headed home, 'home' huh? It is my home, right? I think- I think I want it to be home? It's weird. Ugh, I'm over-analyzing"


"Oh- sorry. I was caught up in thought" I say looking up at Deidara.

"Thinking already? You're barely awake" Sasori inquired.

"Yeah- what were you thinking about?" Deidara asked through a playful grin.

"Um- nothing. Just forget about it" I respond coldly, feeling almost embarrassed at my own thoughts.

"Fine don't tell us" Sasori presses on.

"I won't, thank you VERY much!" I snap. "Nevermind that, where exactly are we?"

"Getting closer to base-un" The blonde responds cheerily.

"Perfect, I'm dying to get back to my own bed" I say.

"Your own bed-un?" Deidara teased, "Can't wait to get home to your family?" he continued.

"Maybe, what's it to you?" I retort playfully.

"Nothing, it's just sweet" He said smirking at me.

"Oh" my tone softens "huh"

The air fell silent. I became all too aware of Deidara and Sasori's breathing in the cold air. 



"Was that too far?" Deidara says his voice smooth and gentle.

"My voice must have sounded sad. A man's tongue reflects his heart. That was actually really considerate"

"I- no-um. I- thank you for asking though" I stifle out.

"Good, I'm glad I didn't hurt your feeling or something-un" Deidara responds confidence evident in his tone.

I laughed to myself, that was sweet. Sasori was staring at the two of us, his face told me he was amused. I felt my face heat up a little. I tucked my head into my clothes, in attempts to hide it.

(Deidara pov)

After me and (Y/n's) little exchange, I looked to Sasori. I shrugged a bit. With his knowledge of my "history" with (Y/n), I want to know what he thought about the previous interaction with her. He nodded and smiled at me. 

"Please, dear Jashin don't let (Y/n) have noticed that"  I wish to myself "I hope I didn't creep (Y/n) out by being too friendly or something"

{TIME SKIP/ Y/n pov}

"We're here" Sasori says.

"Home sweet home!" I say fully owning my newfound attachment to the Akatsuki.

The boys both chuckle a bit at my enthusiasm. We landed shortly at the rocky and familiar base. As a hopped off my bird Deidara held my hand and helped me down. 

"Thanks!" I say through a large and genuine smile. 

I feel so much happier now that I'm back. Maybe it's because of the lack of immediate danger (well other than one of the boys doing something stupid), or maybe being back around mmy new family. 

I pet my bird and get all of our stuff off her back, before letting her free to roam around.

"Bye Skye" I say blowing a kiss to my bird who had already started poking around the ground for bugs, as I set off to the door.

I unlock the door and walk in followed by my confedants. 

"We're back!" Deidara yells.

"Hey" Itachi says from the bar where he appears to be reading.


"oh no"

I see Hidan full on running towards us. He picks me up wrapping his large arms around me.

"YOU HAD ME WORRIED [flipping] SICK!" he yells right in my ears.

"I didn't mean to worry you haha. I missed you too!" I say happily, I really did miss him.

"Uh hello?" Deidara says his voice full of sass.

"Hey blondie" Hidan says unenthusiastically before returning to giving me attention.

Sasori had already retreated to his room, probably to clean up.

"I'll let you get cleaned up and get some rest" Hidan says with a kind smile adorning his face "I made sure Konan got your shampoo in the right scent when she went shopping"

"Thank you so much" I say feeling my heart melt inside. 

"This is what I've been missing out on for my whole life isn't it" 

(Authors note: hehehehe I'm back) 

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