After landing part 1

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It was near the start of era 3 the diamonds had just come back from helping Steven with the last of the corrupted gems, as the diamonds exited their parts of the ship white stopped yellow and blue from walking away from her by  calling to them
White: "Yellow, Blue...wait!"
Yellow and Blue instantly turned back to white, who was blushing a bit at realising how loud she shouted, she didn't feel like making another scene.

White: "...please? I would like to talk to you both, .... if... you aren't too busy? Of course"
Blue: "Yes of course white, we're not busy, Is something wrong?" Blue slowly walked up to white as she was still a little scared of her, yellow walked over to Blue and put one of her hands on Blue's shoulder while yellow placed her other hand on her hip.

Yellow: "Yes why would you call us I thought we cleared everything up on the ship, what do you need?" Yellows action made blue blush a very dark shade of royal blue, white acknowledged this and couldn't help but notice they were both blushing yellows was a dark mustard colour,
White: "Why are you two blushing?" she questioned whilst frantically looking back and forth between the two, yellow and blue only blushed more at the fact that white had brought up the subject, white couldn't help but smirk and laugh a little at the fact she made them blush even more. Blue covered her face with her hands whilst yellow turned her head to the side.

White: "Aww, aren't you two just adorable together!" She loved seeing them together, she ran over to them and squeezed them both as she hugged them, she was happy that she was free to show her real self for once. This had been the first time she had managed to hug anyone she was so happy she cried on both their shoulders, yellow and blue looked at each other shocked but soon their shocked faces softened and they both hugged white back.

White wept and fell to her knees in the process taking both blue and yellow down with her but they couldn't have cared less as they were both happy to see white express herself, even though they were drenched in whites tears. They all sat there for a while before white let go of them both, yellow pulled Blue by her waist so she was closer to her, and Yellow looked down at Blue who looked up to see Yellow gazing at her with soft eyes.

White smiled and looked at them both white thought 'there perfect together, I hope they think so too'
White: "ok you two, I never got to ask you-"
Yellow: "Go ahead white." Blue nodded in agreement, white took a deep breath and then blurted out, white: "You two are so cute together have you ever considered being together because I have and I think you two would be so cute and I've thought so from the beginning of your two's existence and I still do know?!" She finished with a blush and an awkward smile.

Blue just sat there looking from white to yellow and just kept going with her eyebrows raised, eyes wide and her mouth hung open. Yellow on the other hand was just staring at blue with a very red face. White: " Oh come on, say something anything! Also yellow dear you are redder than a ruby" white said and that was a under statement really, acknowledging what white had said yellow waited for Blue to turn her head to her and as soon as she did yellow shut eyes as tight as she could and kissed blue on the lips, blue was about to say something too when yellow kissed her Blue: "Mph!" She was shocked but she soon closed her eyes and yellow pulled blue closer by her waist. White sat there amazed at what was happening right before her eyes, they were as big as homeworld.

Soon yellow broke away and blue opened her eyes they were like stars, she jumped on yellow pinning her to the floor quickly whilst giggling, she gave yellow a kiss just on the top of her nose, she put her forehead on yellows, yellow started to laugh too. White had her hands on her cheeks and awed at the fact that she was right about them and how they loved each other.

White: "Sorry to ruin the moment but you are attracting a crowd... and also you two go get a room!" White laughed, she was right most gems started to crowd around them all staring in awe at blue and yellow Yellow: "alright alright you've all seen enough" She chuckled as she lifted Blue off the floor as soon as she was up everyone had left except for the three Blue: " white," blue paused and looked at yellow "thank you" white nodded and with that, they all entered the palace.

I enjoyed doing this chapter and hopefully by the time you read this the next chapter will be up too!😁
Bye 👋🏼

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