The others

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It had been over a few minutes now, and the last of the blood in blues body had drained out now. During this blues colour also slowly drained away, she was now her original colour which was a very light grey and her hair was pure white like her mother's. As Blue hadn't closed her eyes when she passed yellow could see that they were of a plain dark grey and not the beautiful ocean blue. Her new iris colour scared yellow as they looked like cold stone...

whites mascara was smudged and was dripping down her face. When white stopped crying she shakily breathed in, as soon as she did she poofed. The smoke that followed was of alsorts of different colours and shades, this was the first time white had poofed. Black quickly caught whites gem before it could fall on the blood covered floor, he was now holding all three of the sleeping gemlings and Whites gem. Yellow wiped her eyes and gestured for one of the citrine's to come over,
Citrine: " y-...yes m-my diamond?" The citrine wiped away the last of her remaining tears.

Y: " can you get a blanket for her...please? How did the gemlings tests come back? Are they okay?..." The citrine nodded citrine: "Yes my diamond they are all fine, they are extremely small as they are early but apart from that they are alright. They may need to be put into incubators soon but they should be fine for now." She then reached into her gem and pulled out a huge black cloth.

She carefully closed blues eyes and rested the cloth over her form, yellow carefully got up and sighed shakily. Y: " Steven, Connie, spinel and everyone else hold onto me please I'm going to start walking now..." they all nodded in response, the crystal gems had leapt on too before to comfort Steven and spinel. Blues pearl navy stood on blacks shoulder and looked over the gemlings carefully.

Yellow picked blue up carefully and started to walk to blues wing which was on the far side of the palace, yellow had a lot of walking to do.

Black stood up carefully and followed the others, after he was out the door he closed the doors and instructed his military officers to stand outside and not let anyone in, Jasper also stood guard as she was still extremely loyal to the authority.

When Yellow picked Blue up, she didn't realise that Blue's hand was hanging out of the cloth. What made it worse was that her hand was covered in her blood and was dripping on the marble floor...
When they passed gems down the hallways many gems gasped at what they were seeing.
Yellow and black both had there legs covered in her blood as they kneeled down in it. Yellow also had a bloody hand print on her cheek as blue had tried to wipe away some of yellows tears.

When they reached blues room yellow gently laid blues body down on the bed, a few days before blue had asked for a nursery to be built next to her room for the gemlings. Black pulled up two seats either side of the bed and handed yellow the gemling who most resembled herself. Yellow held the gemling for a minute or two then stood up and went to put the gemling in her crib. When she walked in there were four cribs, two on each side of the room. The saddest thing that yellow thought of was that one would always be empty...

Black walked in shortly after and put the other two in their cribs too, he looked toward yellow and put his hand on her shoulder. Y: " what am I going to do now...I don't even know how to raise a child let alone three! *sigh* I- I need blue...I can't do this alone." Yellow gritted her teeth and punched the wall beside her, making it have a deep crater in it. Black slightly removed his hand for a second in shock but then walked out of the gemlings nursery. Black: " come and sit down, let's leave them to sleep." Yellow wiped away a few of her tears and walked out, closing the door behind her.

Black sat in a chair and yellow did the same, Black: " Yellow, I know your new to parenting and I can understand that your angry. But me and white will help you raise them, white did a brilliant job of raising blue by herself but you shouldn't worry about blue so much....she's finally out of suffering from all the things that were bothering her. She's gone yellow and I know that's hard for you to hear but she is, we all need to be there for them now...that's what she wanted..."  yellow stood up quickly and aimed for black, she shot a bolt of lightening at him. Black saw this coming and deflated it with ease, black stood up as well Black: " You, Yellow Diamond are picking a fight with the wrong person...I wouldn't do that personally but if it comes down to it then I'll gladly accept your challenge. Do you wish to say anything else?"

Y: " this is YOUR fault, you couldn't help yourself could you! You kept coming back to scare her, to torment her, to stress her even more! This is your doing, she would still be here if you would have just stayed out of  her life! Yet you never cared for her or white! You only ever cared for your self! Why oh Why?! Did she even let you stay here in the first place?!!"
During this yellow managed to injure black, as she was walking toward him though there was a blinding white light. White gracefully landed on the floor next to black.

Whites form was completely different now, she had her natural hair ( exactly the same photo from the chapter 'wedding' )
She was wearing an all black dress with a silver fringe on the bottom of it. ( as you all know I suck at explaining So I'll put a picture of it down at the bottom of the chapter 👍🏼) whites eyes widened at the scene before her, she walked in front of yellow to stop her from doing anymore harm to black. W: " What the hell are you doing yellow?! I was gone for at least 10 minutes and when I comeback I see this!" Yellow punched the wall next to her in anger and knelt down on the floor in defeat. She covered her face with her hands to hide the fact she was crying. Black managed to get up and dusted himself off, then went and stood next to white. White offered a hand for Steven, Connie, spinel, blues pearl navy and the crystal gems, once they were all on whites hand she moved them all onto the edge of blues bed. She then kneeled down in front of yellow,

W: " yellow, look at me." Yellow uncovered her face and looked at white Y: " yes white I know your form is different, it looks nice." Yellow covered her face shortly after, only for white to take them back off again.  W: " thank you yellow, but that's not what I meant...what I meant was it's alright to cry. So make sure you don't bottle all those feelings away, me and black will help you through this okay? I know you miss her, I do too....everyone will miss her. But please don't take your grief out on others. We all...need to stick together." Steven: " we can help too! We probably can't do all the big jobs but we can still help!" After this yellow broke down, white gave her a hug to try to calm her down. But this only made white cry as well, so black gave them both a hug. As black was still taller then white and was mostly muscle he managed to hug both of them together.

(This conversation is all whispered )
Black: " we need to tell all the courts and...the other authority white, they'll be wondering where blue is when they do the yearly call...they might want to be here for whatever a 'funeral' is for blue." White sighed and looked up a bit so she could see her husband better. W: " I know but I don't want you know who to be there, she causes mayhem where ever she goes...and quite frankly I don't want to do all that again." Black nodded Black: " I can try talk to just one of the members of the authority and then tell them to tell the others except for her..." white thought about this for a minute and then nodded. W: " we may need to prepare ourselves for the worst..."

( here are some pictures I've drawn for this chapter 😁👍🏼) sorry this is a short chapter I'll put the pic of whites new form in the next chapter! ( I hand draw all of these so they take a while👍🏼)

( here are some pictures I've drawn for this chapter 😁👍🏼) sorry this is a short chapter I'll put the pic of whites new form in the next chapter! ( I hand draw all of these so they take a while👍🏼)

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