Black diamond

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Yellow nearly poofed at what White had said,
Black Diamond was the most feared, merciless, fearsome gem known throughout space. He was nicknamed the 'shadow stalker' and even 'the all-seeing killer' and those were just two of many others. And worst of all he was one of the first Diamonds to ever exist along with White herself, which made him equally as powerful.... and he was supposed to be Blue's father.

Y: "B-but HOW?! He is on the other side of the galaxy? And if you two are the-the parents of Blue how on homeworld is she, well BLUE shouldn't she have been Grey?! And also what I don't get is how she even managed to survive! We as diamonds have to lowest possible good outcome of a successful gemling birth, out of all the thousands of other gems on homeworld! And what I still don't get is how this happened, I came before h-"

Yellow was interrupted by the medics shouting and running around the room as Blue's energy that kept her alive dropped and loud rapid bleeps were coming from around the room. They quickly managed to get it stable again by shocking her slightly.

Citrine: "My Diamond's please may you both leave? We need to run tests on her to check if she is stable enough to come around from the anaesthetic." Y:" Yes but if anything happens to her then you'll all be you understand?!" Everyone in the room nodded and both Diamonds left, as soon as they were out of sight White broke down and collapsed on the floor sobbing for her daughter.

Y: "White does she know?" Yellow was now kneeling on the floor next to White. She shook her head W: "Yellow she can never know about Black, understand?" White now had a very stern voice Yellow was stunned Y: "Okay white but you have to tell her and homeworld that you are her mother. We can't keep that a secret, not now anyway." W: " I will, I'll make an announcement soon." Y: "Okay, but White you need to tell me everything ok?" She sat down next to White, who was on the floor still but only lightly crying now.

Y: "Okay let's start, How come I don't remember Black being with you let alone not acknowledging that you were expecting and when Blue was born?" W: "Oh that's simple, I simply wiped everyone's memories and replaced them with ones of everyday things!" Y: "Okay that is slightly weird but how is she not grey?"

W: "Well before Black left me to 'expand his empire', we found out Blue was a girl, he got angry at this and said he didn't want a female successor and was going to leave unless I got rid of her, naturally I said I wanted to keep her. As she might have been the only gemling I could have... so before he left and she was born, we agreed to make something for her in the event she was ill, and thank stars we did as when she was born she was extremely ill. By that time, Black had left to conquer new planets and expand our empire. Blue had to have the elixir that we made prior. Just before she was born I was also informed she wouldn't survive past the time of two minutes at most... the elixir was so strong it made her skin change from a very light grey to a light shade of blue, and as she got older her skin darkened a bit over a couple of months"

As Yellow was taking the information in, they heard a gut-wrenching scream followed by a loud sobbing noise, Yellow was the first to enter, Blue was sitting upright and her face was streaming with never-ending tears. B: "Y-yellow?!" She cried more upon seeing her enter, Yellow ran to comfort her and White was in close pursuit, she was shaking and wouldn't let go of Yellow until she saw White running to her.

White hugged Blue as tightly as she could,
W: "Oh Moonlight, I'm so sorry! Are you alright dear?!" B: " m-mo.....Mother?" White stopped dead in her tracks 'Mother?' She looked at Blue confused W: "You- you remember?!" Yellow was extremely confused at what was unfolding in front of her. Blue had called White 'Mother' Did she remember everything from before White had clouded her memory of her being younger?

White wiped away some of Blue's tears, as Blue only cried into White's chest. White rested her head on top of Blue's and held her so she would eventually stop crying, W: "Oh my little gem, I'm so glad you're okay" Before White could say anything else she was rudely interrupted.

Citrine: " My diamonds? I'm so sorry to interrupt but we have the reports on Blue Diamonds tests..."

( I thought this was a cute photo of them both )

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( I thought this was a cute photo of them both )

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