After landing part 2

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Yellow and Blue walked hand in hand down the hallway to their rooms, Blue didn't know what to say. She was still shocked from before Y: "Blue..." B: "Hm?" Blue wasn't listening and was pulled out of her thoughts Y: "Blue I...*sigh* I, I... I'm sorry" B: "What are you sorry for Yellow you don't need to apologise I.. I........I liked what happened on the ship platform, it...was nice I never thought you liked me like that." Blue admitted, suddenly she was attacked from behind by Yellow, she hugged Yellow tightly as Yellow was silently crying into Blue's neck.

B: " Yellow what's wrong did I do something to upset you?" Blue panicked, Y: "Hey, hey, hey it's okay I was crying because,... Well, I'm sorry for hurting you on the bridge... I didn't want to disobey White, but I lost sight of what mattered most. You. What I'm trying to say is...I like you a lot, what was the word Steven told us? And I was surprised is all, please don't cry Blue that makes me sad." Blue stopped at the sound of Yellow saying this, and as soon as she did Yellow kissed her forehead.

Yellow pressed her hand to Blue's gem, Blue gasped as she didn't expect Yellow's hand to be so warm. Yellow was also shocked at how cold Blue felt she always knew her form was always below freezing temperatures, as White had said that she had made blue on one of the coldest planets in the universe. On the planet Exolace, there was no sun to heat the planet, and the planet was so cold White said that no gem could even step foot on the planet as the temperature would shatter their gem.

At the sound of Blue's sudden gasp, Yellow took her hand back in fear she hurt Blue, Y: " I- I'm sorry did I hurt you? I shouldn't have done that without asking your permission..." Yellow had tears welling up in the corner of her eyes. Blue could see this and walked nearer to Yellow, only for her to take a step back from Blue. Blue reached out her hand, and she gently rested her hand on yellows gem, only to be burned by it. She winced and instantly took her hand away. When Blue looked at her hand her crimson blue-coloured blood was coming from the open wound on her hand, which went straight down the palm of her hand. ( I know gems don't bleed but I thought I could change some things )

Yellow was made from a scorching hot planet named Torridun, as to why Yellow was always so warm. Like Blue, her gem was always a hotter ( or in Blue's case colder ) temperature than her actual form. When she looked towards Yellow, she asked B: "Yellow can you close the wound on my hand please, This may sound exaggerated but, if you don't seal my cut soon...I might bleed a lot and faint okay?"

Y: "What do I need to do then?" Blue sighed and then made direct eye contact with Yellow, her face turned from worry to dead serious in a matter of seconds. B: "Are your hands still warm?" Y: "Yes why?"
B: "Because I need you to use your index finger to use a technique called Cauterisation, It is where you burn a part of a body to remove or close off a part of it. In this case, you need to seal my wound okay?" Y: " That sounds very painful Blue, I don't want to hurt you again, I won't do it, I'll call a citr-" but before she could finish, Blue gently placed a hand on the yellow gem's cheek. Making the gem look at her.

Y: " I refuse to hurt you again Blue, when I saw you on the bridge, in pain. Knowing I had been the one responsible. It made me feel like someone had ripped my gem out of my form... I can't and won't let you get hurt again." Yellow spoke firmly B: " Yellow, I know you don't want to hurt me again, but please understand that you could never truly hurt me. If you do try to take me to the medical centre now, I would get blood all over the palace floors and I don't think the cleaners would want to clean all of this" she indicated to the floor beneath her and yellow,

Yellow looked torn between what to do, Blue took Yellow's face in her hand again and spoke softly. B: " Please my love, You could never hurt me..." Yellow sighed and nodded her head, before resting her head on Blue's.

Y: "Okay but straight after I'm taking you to the clinic okay?" Blue nodded in agreement. Yellow watched as she started working on Blue's hand, Yellow noticed that Blue didn't even wince as she worked, whilst gently holding Blue's hand in hers. All Blue heard was her skin sizzling as it was being sealed. Blue opened her eyes to see Yellow have a single tear run down her cheek, Blue placed a kiss on Yellow's cheek whilst she wiped away Yellow's tear. B: " I love you Yellow... thank you"

Y: "You're welcome, now I'll call a cleaner to clean this up. And I'm taking you" She quickly booped Blue's nose with her index finger " to the citrine, okay?" Blue nodded Y: "Good"

Yellow quickly picked Blue up bridal style
B: " Y-yellow!" Blue wrapped her arms around Yellow's neck in fear she might fall, Yellow laughed a little at what she was seeing Y: "Relax Blue I'm not going to drop you, you should know that by now."

B: "Yes I know, but it's only my hand that's hurt, not my legs!"
Y: "Well you said earlier that you might faint correct?, so I may as well carry you so you don't pass out, so no more arguing."
Yellow looked at Blue and pressed a kiss to Blue's head quickly before starting to walk to the clinic.

When they got there a citrine checked Blue's hand over and made sure that it was alright She also had a couple of routine checks to see that everything was all okay, the citrine cleaned and bandaged Blue's hand and she was free to go.

*Time skip to when they got back to Blue's door*

Y: " I'm glad you're okay Blue, I was worried about you." Yellow had her arm around Blue and stood outside of Blue's door. She gave Yellow a small smile and reached up slightly and kissed Yellow on the cheek, Yellow blushed and quickly turned to Blue and kissed her, Blue giggled a bit as Yellow worked her way down a bit. From Blue's forehead to her lips again, neck and finally Blue's shoulder, Blue kept giggling to herself, she had never seen Yellow this way before, and she thought it was cute. Yellow pulled Blue as close to her as she could then kissed her, and Blue kissed back. Soon she was pulled into a room. It was empty Blue was very confused at this point

Yellow: "Do you trust me?"

Her blood is this colour by the way! 😁

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Her blood is this colour by the way! 😁

Her blood is this colour by the way! 😁

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.............. ooh cliff hanger!!!!

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