Too early

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Yellow was helping Steven fight off blacks army when a voice boomed across the battlefield, yellow looked back her powers charged. Black stood a few paces away from her, yellow had to look up as he was much taller than her. Yellow shot one of her lightning bolts at him, but he blocked it with ease.

Black rolled his eyes in annoyance, Black: "Nice are Yellow Diamond,...correct?" Yellow gritted her teeth in anger but replied anyway Y: " I don't have to answer to the likes of you." Black: "As your father in law I suggest you show some respect, but we don't have time to daughter, your wife needs you, a spinel and the diamond who calls himself 'Steven universe' are to also accompany us to homeworlds palace...she has been injured and by the sounds of it is in a great amount of I suggest we hurry."

Y: "How can we trust you?" Yellow raised an eyebrow, black sighed and snapped his fingers his army stood still, one of their arms by their sides, the other saluting. Black: "If you want to help my daughter, I suggest you trust me...if not she will die because of your stubbornness... so, you have my word I will call off the war." Black started to walk away, yellow followed but couldn't go to hers as it had been destroyed by one of Black's armada ships. Steven, Connie, the crystal gems and Spinel were all in close pursuit.

Whites POV-

White got to the palace and fast, she sprinted to the front of the palace. Not wanting to waste any time she typed in all the door codes so she wouldn't have to open any others on the way. She stormed down the halls but stopped when she heard voices, ???: " Blue Diamond has been disposed of, we lost a few troops -Magnesium permanently. However, the others should reform soon...did the client pay? Good. I hate to shatter such a merciful gem, especially if it's a diamond... it's a shame really, but at least we'll finally get to travel off this miserable planet and onto a good one...alright, see you soon. Goodbye."

White jumped around from the corner and shot the gem with her powers, after it was under her control she walked towards it. It appeared to be a defective Iolite, her gem was cracked and only had one pupil. She stared down at it in disgust. W: "Take me to Blue Diamond..." Almost automatically the gem started to move. White followed, she had taken a few turns and sure enough blue was sitting outside her room, her head against the wall surrounded by enemy gems. She was breathing heavily and fairly quickly.

White proceeded to control them all, soon after she rushed over to Blue, her eyes were closed and her expression was as if she was in pain.
White crouched down and nudged her daughter a little to tell her she was there. Blue turned her head she gave her a forced smile,
W: "Can you walk sweetheart?" Blue only nodded in response, white helped Blue stand up, blue tried to hold in a scream the best she could, but ended up falling to the floor in pain.
B: "M-mom, I- I c-can't...I- I can't it, it hurts too much...I can't do this!?" Blue had tears streaming down her cheeks W: "Shh, shh, shh, now nightlight is it a sharp pain or is it more like pressure? Where does it hurt?"

⚠️Warning gore and blood⚠️
Blue pointed to her abdomen and her wound. B: "This one feels like it' when I hurt my palm... ( indicates to her wound ) and this one feels like it's burning and it's more of sudden sharp pain then it goes away after a minute or two..." white stared wide-eyed, she noticed blue had a gaping hole on the left side of her chest, she also had lots of cuts on her face and shoulders, but worse her gem was completely shattered and there was blood everywhere.

How was she still here?

Blue tensed up and groaned, she was trying to reassure her mother she was alright, but was failing. W: " Nightlight, I know it hurts but how many months along are you again?"
Blue regained some of her posture and whispered B: " 7 months... Mom, my pearl will reform soon, could you pick her gem up please so she doesn't get shattered?"

White gasped, and Blue looked at her in confusion.
She then coughed, and covered her mouth...when she took her hand away there was blood dripping from it. Blue looked at her mother in confusion again. This time whites eyes were wide with shock and concern.

W: " Blue, I will get your pearl but we need to get you to the medical centre now,.....I'll explain when we get there."
Blue started to feel dizzy, her head spinning...white had already started to walk along trying to get her daughter to follow.
Blue managed to walk a few feet then stopped and leaned against the wall. White looked in horror, blues wound was gushing out more blood as she moved. And blue had gone paler... white pulled out her communicator and called Black.

W: " Sable?!," Black answered the call yellow was beside him, and Spinel and Steven were on her shoulders.
Black: " Phantom?, what's the matter, Is she alright?" White furrowed her brows in concern W: "No...she's getting worse, how far away are you all?" Y: "About an hour and a half..." white showed a scared expression...
Blue groaned and sat down, she started to breathe quickly,
W: "You all need to hurry...she's started her contractions....and I can't help her alone! we need medics and she needs all of us here with her if she is to get through this...can you go any faster?!" White pleaded, Peridot spoke up... Peridot: "There should be a supercharged hypermagnetic drive somewhere in the ship...I'd be able to work it if I had the right tools... I'd also have to hook it up to the ship's main engine, then we could travel faster than the the speed of light...that should get us there in approximately...5 minutes and 24 seconds!" And with that peridot ran towards the back of the ship to find the supplies...
Yellow turned to black and crossed her arms.
Y: " We better hope this works..." Black rolled his eyes and snapped his fingers.

His black sapphire casually walked over. He sighed and just gave yellow and black a thumbs up. But his expression said otherwise...Black: "Why are you looking at me like that?" Black sapphire had a single tear run down his face, he closed his eyes and bowed his head. Bs: " I'm so sorry sir, but it pains me too much to tell you...that I just can' shall have to find out on your own." His sapphire poofed shortly after...

White closed the communicator and sat down next to Blue. W: "Nightlight I need you to listen to me okay? Now take a deep breath in..." Blue did as she was told, but it just made the pain worse. Blue started to cough again, but this time, the more she moved the more her wound seeped blood. White saw this and stood up W: "Nightlight, I know I'm much taller than you are but I need you to try and walk to the ballroom so that there's more space for lots of medics to help you. And I know this is a scary time but you are 2 months early and that's not good okay? But don't worry they'll be alright and so will you. I promise. Now I'll help you walk okay?." Blue nodded, white helped her daughter stand and white put her arm under blues and Blue put her other hand over White's shoulder. White bent down a little so it was easier for blue. White carefully picked up Navy's gem and started to walk.

After a few minutes of blue falling and struggling to walk, they reached the ballroom. White kneeled and made Blue lie down, and white put Blue's head on her lap to make it more comfortable for her, as soon as she did blue closed her eyes as she was exhausted. White looked on in concern, blue was becoming more pale now and her blood was still spilling from her wounds. White's eyes filled with tears, she hoped everyone would be there soon.

The only thing white could think about was who those gems worked for and why. But most importantly, how she was going to make them all suffer greatly for hurting her only child.

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