New friend

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Before I start you might want to reread the last couple of chapters as I have improved them Also I can't get my head around if it's showing up that other people looking at my story or if it's me?
Please, please, please comment if you and other people are reading this. It confuses me🤦🏽‍♀️😂

Shortly after they helped Steven with the corrupted gems the Diamonds pondered seeing Steven. In the end, they all agreed to go as they hadn't visited in a while and were bored.

Nobody else on homeworld or Earth expected that Blue was pregnant, even though it had been a month already She was worried about what the doctors had said to her, Yellow and her mother (white if you forgot) had said it was a 50/50 per cent of blue and all of them to survive the process.

This tore Blue to pieces as she so desperately wanted to at least see her children. Her thoughts were interpreted when the ship landed. All three of them got out to see the earth was destroyed, Steven was a little annoyed at the diamond's bad timing. Yellow and White both walked beside Blue as they could catch her if she tripped over something.

Steven: "Hey guys nice to see you!" He was stood by Spinel who was extremely shy now upon seeing the Diamonds.
Blue: "Who is this Steven?" Blue asked sweetly to not scare Spinel. White looked closer then gasped white: "Spinel is, is that you?" White's eyes were wide but Blue and Yellow's were wider, Blue: "" she whispered, Yellow heard it and pulled Blue closer unsure of the gem before her. There was a long awkward silence before Blue softened her worried look and started to see Spinel's eyes water, Blue felt bad and started to softly sing a song that she remembered White had sung her as a young gemling,

(It's the same song as Drift Away but I changed some of the lyrics to fit the chapter more)
🎶🎵' Here in the palace, let's play a game I'll show you how it's done.... here in the palace run around at your leisure, it'll be so much fun.
And then you'll smile, that's what was after the smile in your eyes the sound of your laughter. Happily watching, happy to be there, happily watching you have... fun.
Happily waiting for you to find me
Under the endless sky
Counting the seconds
Hiding from you
As many minutes go by
Happily wondering
Hour  after hour
This is so fun
Am I going to win?
Happy to listen
Happy to hide
Happily watching you try to find me
You keep on turning pages for people
People who care about you
And still, it takes you ages to see that you're there
See that you're there
See you there...
Everyone's gone to find you
Finally something
Finally news
About how the games end
She knows where you are now
Survived by you
And all of the other gems who helped
Isn't that lovely?
Isn't that cool?
And isn't that funny?
And aren't I happy to have you
Happy to watch
Happy to be there
Happily watching you have fun
Have fun
( damn this was extremely hard to do sorry if it's not great but I did try🤷🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️😂)

White had joined in kneeling so she was closer to the ground, although Yellow had to give Blue her hand every time she wanted to kneel or stand. When they had finished Blue put her hand down for spinel to climb onto. She was a bit hesitant at first but then saw that Blue had a feeble smile on her face and slowly walked to her hand.

When Blue turned to face Yellow she was still kneeling B: "Yellow, what are you doing?" Blue gasped as Yellow pulled out a light grey ring, It had vines carved into it and it was a small, metal green rose on the top, y: "Um...Blue," Yellow looked towards Steven for help, She had secretly planned with Steven how to ask Blue to marry her. Bismuth had created the ring at Yellow's request.

" Would you, um...Will you marry me?" Blue put her hand to her stomach and smiled at Yellow who had an awkward smile plastered on her face.
Blue had been told by Garnet what marriage was and its purpose. Blue was curious about what she had interrupted when she and Yellow went to collect the cluster, and Garnet happily explained.

Final goodbye/last helloWhere stories live. Discover now