An uprising

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On the faraway planet, Atharis (pronounced a- thare-is) male gems were being made instead of female ones, Black Diamond was the only leader and was as sick-tempered as White was, maybe even worse on a good day that is, he had recently experimented on one of his wife's (White) sapphires, and had found a way to make them more advanced in telling him the future.

Whilst doing this his newest sapphire he had created told him that his only daughter, Blue Diamond was expecting and that there wouldn't only be one but supposedly four. Black was outraged at this and shattered every gem in his courtroom but gave the black sapphire a task, he wanted him to go to homeworld and spy and record everything and update him afterwards.
As soon as the black sapphire left he commanded the nearest gem to him to prepare his entire fleet and to input the destination of homeworld into the ship's computer....

Black: "Prepare to embark! Oh White how could you keep my daughter a secret from me hm?, well It doesn't matter I will see both of you sooner than you think...." he started to chuckle then summoned his axe and sharpened it with some gem shards that he had gathered.

I looked up these so that you could get an idea of what he looks like:

I looked up these so that you could get an idea of what he looks like:

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