Peace of mind

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(Make sure you play the music at the top whilst reading! 🙂👆🏼)

Blue woke up with yellow 'packing'  (she was putting things into her gem to store) she sat upright B: "Yellow...what are you doing?" Yellow jumped at Blue's voice, she turned around, she didn't want to alarm Blue so she did what anyone else would do, she twisted the truth a little...

Y: " Blue love....your mother and I are going to go see Steven, he's got a little problem.." Blue raised one of her eyebrows, she could tell when yellow was lying to her. B: " such as..." Yellow sat down on the bed next to Blue. Y: "Steven's ship broke down and the Peridot he lives with said she can't fix it without your mother and I, his ship is much bigger than ours so they need an extra pair of hands." Blue crossed her arms and pouted
B: " Why can't I come?"  Yellow sighed, she had managed it. She chuckled and said gently Y: " Blue, no you're pregnant so there's no way that's happening, what if you got hurt?" Blue sighed in disappointment, yellow sat behind Blue and wrapped her arms around Blue's bump, she held her for a few minutes. Blue leaned back into yellow trying to make the most of the moment. Yellow rested her head in the crook of blues neck.

For some reason Blue always smelt of roses and wild berries, it was one of the many things Yellow loved about her. Yellow on the other hand always smelt of a newly lit campfire that had something burnt on it but blue still liked it. Yellow eventually managed to get up, she was comfortable where she was. But she had to, Steven needed her. When she got up she kissed Blue, shortly after resting her forehead on blues, their noses touching.  (yellow and blue both liked to do that.) blue shed a few tears she didn't want Yellow to leave, not again...yellow wiped them away with her gloved hand.

Y: " Blue, I know you're scared of me leaving again but please, try not to worry yourself love. Your pearl will contact me if there is any trouble. I've left all my best guards here so you'll be safe, and your pearl has had extra training so she's better in combat. But I'm sure you won't need them, you'll be fine your pearl will be in here with you at all times." At that moment Blues Pearl also known as Navy walked through the doors.

Bp: "Hello blue" Blues Pearl said in a cheerful tone of voice, it was just audible. Blue smiled at her pearl, and with that yellow gave Blue another kiss and walked out.

Yellow met white and spinel at the ship
W: "What took you so long?" Spinel: "Yeah you took ages!" The last word was dragged out a bit, yellow chuckled and rolled her eyes Y: "Well Spinel you aren't married, so you wouldn't know.... and white, I took longer because Blues still scared, so she wanted me to stay a little longer before I went. She had woken up whilst I was packing and thought I was leaving...but I reassured her she would be fine, I've left the best gems in my court along with her pearl with her, Navy has had extra training so she's well protected." White nodded and walked into the ship, she muttered W: " I'll be sure to destroy anything and everything if anyone lays a finger on my baby whilst we're gone..."

Time skip to when they got to Earth:

When they arrived it was already chaos, ships were firing cannons with bombs onto the earth below, and others were shooting lasers at the newly arrived homeworld ships. Others were dropping more of black's army onto the battlefield. The battlefield was in the countryside where Lapis and peridots barn was, there were so many gems fighting that it was spread across the field of large strawberries as well.

(This place...)

Yellow, white and Spinel walked out of the ship, they were met with the sight of gems poofing and fighting blacks soldiers

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Yellow, white and Spinel walked out of the ship, they were met with the sight of gems poofing and fighting blacks soldiers. The gems from Little homeworld had also joined the fight, Jasper leading them, and poofing the most of blacks army. She was enjoying the fact that she had something to do other than sit around all day.

Steven ran up to yellow, white and spinel he had many blood stains on his shirt and his shield was cracked around the edges. Although Steven had blood stains on his shirt he had completely healed from his cuts. Y: "What happened to you Steven?" She had a worried tone, Steven looked like he had to quite literally fight for his life.

Before Steven could reply there was a deafening roar that came from behind the temple. Steven froze he didn't want to go up against that thing again, he had just barely escaped last time. White took a few steps forward, she looked up at the being that was emerging from behind the hill.

Blacks shadow appeared, its eyes were blood red, its hands clawed and its back arched. Its pupils were as dark as space, as they focused on Steven its pupils turned into slits ( kind of like cat's eyes) it lifted its clawed hand, slamming it down on the mountain it was leaning on. It let out a deafening roar. White stared up in horror, W: " Steven, I need you to tell me how to get to him..."

Y: " white! No. Blue will need you when she has the gemlings, She can't deal with another loss...especially if it's you, she won't be able to live with know how she was after pink, she wanted to shatter herself white! You can't fight him alone." Spinel and Steven nodded in agreement. W: " I wasn't going to fight him Yellow, I'm not nearly as powerful...I was going to try to convince him to stop all this nonsense..." White sighed and stepped towards the shadow of her partner, the shadow noticed and instantly stopped what it was doing. It closed its eyes and did a slight bow with its head

Black's shadow: "Good luck my Diamond..." and with that the shadow snapped its fingers, sending white to her husband's ship.

When she entered Black was standing in front of her, he had his arms crossed behind his back and showed no emotion towards her. Black was a couple of feet taller than white ( and white is about 89. something feet tall, so he's fricking tall ) white crossed her arms and stood up straight, Black: " Phantom, I wasn't expecting you to visit..." white raised one of her eyebrows W: "Black...I was going to say the same thing to you..." Black looked down at White slightly, he hated it when she treated him like that.

Black: "I see all pleasantries are out of the window" Black muttered under his breath. Black: "Now, now white don't act like that.... what about my nickname?" White looked away, black stepped closer and took whites chin, gently lifting it so they could see each other. W: " What do you want?" White growled she didn't want to be anywhere near Black, but she knew she had to fix things before it was too late.

Black: " I want you to take me to our daughter white. You shouldn't have kept her a secret from me, I had a right to know." White sighed and looked to Black with tears in her eyes, she took a shaky breath before saying W: " It was your fault I had to. Because of those awful things you did. It broke me I wanted to tell you and send you things from Blue, but then I realised you might have gotten upset you weren't there to raise her with me...."

White now was letting the tears fall and decided not to stop them. Black looked on in amazement, never had he seen white cry before. This was new to him, but for some reason, his instincts told him to.

He stepped closer and put her head to his chest, at that moment white broke down. She hadn't been comforted in years, and if white was being honest with herself she did miss black and wanted him to be a part of her and blue's lives again.

Black: " white.....I'm sorry for what I did, I am. And to be honest I missed you.... I was so engulfed in my work and only did what I thought was right at the time for the colonies. So much so, that I forgot to see what's most important to me, and that's you and Blue....even though I wasn't there for you then, I want to be there for you both now. Will you forgive me?" White hid her face in Black's chest and thought for a moment.

W: "Why did your shadow scare Blue?"
Black rubbed the back of his head, a tell White had picked up on knowing he was nervous. Black: " I was angry. Very angry I wanted to see any reaction from you. I thought if she was scared you would have a reaction, you were always so stoic." White nodded, she had always been cold and emotionless to even Black in the past years. W: "Well. Things are a lot different now."

White's crystal communicator went off suddenly, it flashed. Catching white's attention.

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