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Blue Diamond sat in her courtroom and sat on her elegant, hovering azure throne. She was doing the last of her reports for her old colonies, tapping on her holo screen which occasionally made lots of bleeping noises.

Usually, her courtroom would be used to greet new gems, hold meetings with her court and do other things which always made it sound busy. Recently Steven had encouraged the diamonds to let their courts do as they please, so Blue was taking it all seriously, and only called her court when they were truly needed. But for now, it was included in the tour the diamonds had set up to educate gems of the things that were new in era three.

Blue was now five and a half months along, now she had more of a visible bump, no one except Yellow, herself, and White knew still as Blue and Yellow had told White they wanted to make it a surprise, as this was a big occasion for all of homeworld. No one else knew as Blue always put her arms in front of her abdomen which was conveniently covered by blues long sleeves that draped down, White had made plans to tell all of homeworld about herself and her daughter. It was planned for later that day.
And on top of all that her and yellows wedding was in the next couple of days too, and all of homeworld was going!

Blue was starting to get a little bored doing her reports, and didn't realise she was humming until she felt a little kick near the top of her bump and gasped, she had never felt them do that before. Her pearl was stood by her arm and worried as her diamond groaned slightly soon after she had gasped. Bp: "My diamond are you alright? You seem to be in pain..." Bp ( Blue Pearl ) had always been by her diamonds side, even though she didn't have to as she was free to do whatever she wanted. But she refused to, as she always wanted to be there for Blue and wouldn't change that for anything.
Blue looked at her pearl quickly, Her pearl was so small and quiet she thought her pearl had gone to do something else. Blue was a little shocked at first then put her hand down for her pearl to climb onto, As soon as she did Blue struggled to stand but in the end did manage (only slightly) As soon as she was up she walked to the door and locked it as she didn't want anyone to interrupt. When she sat down comfortably she put her pearl on her shoulder and asked B: "Pearl can you keep a secret?" Now she was whispering Bp: "Of course my diamond is there something you would wish to tell me?"

Blue uncovered her bump slightly so only the top was showing and gently placed her pearl on top. She was a bit confused at first as Blue had started humming the same tune as before. A few minutes passed, and nothing happened but as soon as Blue Pearl was about to ask Blue what she was doing, the part of Blue's stomach pearl was stood on raised quickly and went back down. Blue winced and groaned as the force of the kick was quite hard and caused her some pain, Pearl's eyes widened and her mouth fell open. She couldn't believe it! Her diamond was expecting......

She clapped her hands and giggled, she was so excited, so much so that she jumped up and hugged Blue the best she could. Blue giggled and lifted her pearl to her cheek and 'hugged' her pearl back. Pearl asked her diamond thrilled Bp: "How many, what colour, how big will they be, what will they look like, is there another parent, who else knows?-" Before she could continue her questions Blue cut her off in fear she would go on forever, B: "Pearl first off who do you think the other parent is?" She giggled as her pearl thought for a moment, she knew of her and Yellow's relationship but never thought her diamond and yellow were going to have gemlings together...

BP was the one Blue told everything to, so much her pearl was the first person to know Blue liked yellow a lot. But now they were going to get married and have gemlings together!
Bp: "Is it who I think my diamond?" Pearl said in a slightly playful tone to make Blue laugh a bit. B: "Yes pearl, as for colour I think they will all be green, but I'm not sure about their other features yet." Pearl's eyes widened ( Blue couldn't see them though so Pearl moved her hair away from her face) Did she hear Blue right?, Surely she didn't say 'they'......did she?

Bp: "If I'm not being rude my di-" Blue cut her off B: " Pearl, you don't need to call me ' my diamond' anymore, please just call me Blue we've known each other for many, many years and to be honest..... I never saw you as 'my servant' I always saw you as my closest friend, and I do still now. Is there a name you would like me to call you, instead of Pearl?"
Bp: "Yes my di- I mean Blue I always quite liked the name navy, I heard a human say it, they were describing the colour of the sky it was that night..." Pearl blushed a bit, she thought it was silly for her to have another name that wasn't 'Pearl' B: "Okay navy, if that is okay with you?, And the answer to the question I knew you were going to ask is, yes I and having more than one gemling..... I'm having four " Navy's jaw dropped to the floor ( almost quite literally so to speak )
Blue laughed at how shocked her pearl was.

There was a small knock on the door accompanied by some whispering and then a shout...

B: "But pearl you can't tell anyone okay? We want it to be a surprise.....Can I trust you with this?" Blue asked hastily. Bp " of course my-..... B-blue." She did a little laugh at the end as she found it a bit awkward.

Blue carefully got up and opened the door only to find four guards ( two amethysts and two jaspers ) and a very odd-looking sapphire in handcuffs.

The sapphire was not white, yellow, blue or pink...not even green but black, its eyes were even a darker black than space. That wasn't the weirdest thing for Blue though, This sapphire was tall and was wearing a light grey suit with a white tie and had short spiky hair which was cut very short all around apart from the top of its head, its gem was placed on its tie. ( like what yellow and blue zircon have ) Blue could only tell it was a sapphire because she had had many sapphires over the years, but none of them looked like this one.

Blue was extremely confused at this point
B: "What is this?"
Jasper: "We're sorry to interrupt Blue Diamond, but we found this 'thing' roaming the halls, taking notes, and pictures and listening to people threw doors."

The guards were struggling to keep ahold of the gem because it was very 'top heavy' so Blue had to pick it up using her index finger and thumb, as soon as she was at eye level the black gem spat at her and cursed.

Blue wiped away the spot that was hit on her face (on her forehead)  the male gem growled at Blue (I'm gonna label him as Bs)
Bs: "I demand that you take me to white diamond..... if, that is you want to keep your family and 'secrets' safe from my leader's wrath..."
The colour from blues face drained away, she could have fainted at that point ' How does he know?!' Blue thought then turned back to see the black sapphire smirk at her.
Bs: "I could answer that, but I wouldn't want to give it away, would I 'nightlight'?" He said in a posh accent to mock white.

Blue was so shocked she took a step back nearly dropping the sapphire in shock.
Bs: "So, do we have a deal...... 'my Diamond?' Hm?" Blue automatically dropped the sapphire. He carefully landed on his feet, Blue asked the guards to take the sapphire to white. She followed in fear of what it might do if it got away...

I drew a picture of what Bs looks like, I'm not great at describing 😅

I drew a picture of what Bs looks like, I'm not great at describing 😅

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