Hello, White ghost

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Blue knocked on whites door a few seconds afterwards there was a polite "Come in!", Blue knew it was her mother, when she entered the room White was on one of her thrones ( this one wasn't as elegant as the one on display) she was busy doing her speech for the event that was in a couple of hours.

When she got up she walked to Blue happily not noticing the Black sapphire in blues hand and hugged her,
W: " Blue! Are you ready for the speech?, I-" she stopped seeing Blues face. It was a mixture of fear, worry and sadness, blue looked like she was ready to break down right then and there.

W: "Nightlight? What's wrong... you look scared." White put a hand on Blue's shoulder, she was going to ask her again but was interrupted by a snooty comment Bs: "Oh trust me she has a very good reason to be!" The sapphire finished with a laugh (mainly directed at white) white turned to the sapphire in blues hand and froze. It said in a sarcastic tone,
Bs: "Well I would say 'it's a pleasure to meet you' but that would be a lie" he smirked and rolled his eyes. Whites eyes widened as the sapphires voice dropped again but this time it wasn't even his voice at all, it was completely different. This one sounded more distinguished.

???: " Hello White ghost..." white froze in her place she didn't even blink for a few minutes, Blue looked at her mother in confusion. White's hand quickly covered her mouth in shock at what the gem said next. ???: " I know everything white ghost, how could you keep her a secret from me hm? Well, it doesn't matter I hope you enjoyed the company of my newest sapphire, I also appreciate you letting me 'borrow' some of your court, they were a big help to creating my sapphires here on Atharis, so much in fact that I've made so many other gems that I can take over entire planets.... oh and I hope you don't keep my grandchildren a secret otherwise I will come for them and my daughter." 

And with that the message ended, the sapphire looked to white smugly. She now had tears forming in the corner of her eyes, blue saw this and gently rested a hand on White's shoulder. At that moment tears were leaving White's eyes and she collapsed on the ground sobbing into her hands.

Yellow was on her way to White's room,  they all were meant to meet there for the speech white had planned. As she was nearing the door she heard a thud, thinking it was blue she rushed to the door and opened it without knocking.
She found white sobbing on Blue's shoulder and they were both kneeling on the floor.

Yellow quickly knelt next to Blue,
Y: "What happened, why is white in such a state? I've never seen her this way before....not even after finding out about pink..." B: " I know, I don't know why she's crying..." Blue turned back to white.

Bs: "Oh you two..." He gagged at what he was going to say next and went a darker shade ( probably green) "Love birds, are completely oblivious aren't you?" Yellow stood up and looked down at the sapphire he slapped his face and cursed
Bs: "You idiots! That was my diamond! And I don't know how she classes him but this is my guess," he pointed to white.
"Her husband?!" Blue turned to white her mouth dropped in surprise yellow wasn't as surprised, as she already knew he was Blue's father. But she never thought white was ever married, the only reason Yellow even knew what marriage was, was because Garnet had brought hers up once.

White slowly stood up (while only crying lightly now) and looked away from yellow and blue, she couldn't bear to look at anyone right now. But she knew she had to look at them, B: "....mom? who was that and why did you freeze up when they said 'white ghost'?" White looked to the black sapphire, he was sat on what looked to be a shadow of a chair and had one leg over the other. W: "Don't say a thing, let me tell her myself... that's the least you can do"
The sapphire raised one of his eyebrows and air quoted Bs: "Okay "my diamond" damn, relax a bit" He sighed and leaned back. White turned to Blue and sighed.

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