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Blue had fainted on their way to her room, white gently touched Blue's forehead in fear she would be overheating. White quickly took her hand away from Blue's head, blue was nearly as warm as yellow. Blue was meant to be much colder around minus 2 degrees, White frantically ordered yellow around W: " Yellow! Quickly take Blue to her room and open all the windows in the room, close the doors too so none of the air escapes and lie her down on the bed I'll be with you soon I need to get the citrine's and check on Steven!" White ran off and left Yellow to do the things she said.

Y: "Oh silly thing, if only you could see your mother now" Yellow was sitting at the edge of the bed, she looked at Blue who was calmly sleeping. Yellow kissed Blue's head and placed a hand on Blue's bump. As soon as she did all four gemlings started to kick yellows hand, they were extremely strong and even kicked yellows hand off. Yellow chuckled to herself. It felt weird, yellow hadn't ever been through this situation before. Yellow sighed and looked to the door.

White rushed in followed by eight nurses and two citrine's. Citrine's and nurses: "Our diamonds" they all saluted to Yellow, white and Blue (even though she was sleeping ) yellow stood up from the bed and walked to white, Y: " White I think we should give them some space, how was Steven?" White nodded and walked out with yellow, W: " IT'S A TRAIN WRECK IN THERE!!!" White started to hyperventilate. Yellow face palmed herself and ran into the ballroom, gems were running around screaming, most were arguing and some just stood there paralysed in fear.

Yellow lost it and shouted Y: "SILENCE!" White ran in to see everyone frozen in fear, yellow hadn't ordered anyone around like that in years. Everyone was petrified, when yellow calmed down she said Y: "Why?! Oh why!!!, is everyone so afraid that Blue is expecting?!" A jade spoke up stuttering as she spoke. Jade: "W-well, w-what will h-happen to Blue D-diamond?! We can't lose a-another monarch!" Then a Zircon pipped up Zircon: "Yes! We could lose Blue Diamond, as diamonds,  you have the lowest possible outcome of a successful birth! surely you would have known that?!" The Zircon pointed to yellow and white, they were taken by surprise, no one had ever been so straightforward with them. Finally, a ruby spoke up in between the murmurs of the crowd. Ruby: "Who's even the other parent, whoever it is they surely weren't thinking straight, we could lose law and order! This is the worst era ever!" Yellow walked forward her electricity crackling around her. Yellow was ready to poof everyone in the room, she aimed at the ruby.

???: " Yellow...please, I understand why they're scared, we should tell them everything." Blue was at the door of the ballroom, she was still holding the side of her head, she managed to walk there with the help of the two citrines. They were stood on either side holding blues arms. This made Yellow jump, white walked over to Blue and tried to help but Blue waved her off. W: " Blue dear, please go back to bed, you aren't well." Blue gave her mother a weak smile and took a shaky breath before starting.

B: " I-I know that everyone has their concerns, and I appreciate that. But please don't take it out on my family....true, we did lose pink...but she was happy, and now we have Steven. This was my choice, and I know the dangers of it too. But if the worst happens...I would hope everyone, will accept them for who they will become..... now if you would excuse me, I need to rest, Navy? Would you please come along?"

Blues Pearl 'navy' nodded and walked through the crowd. Bp 'navy': " Of course Blue, If it would make you feel better." She stood beside Blue, Blue nodded and started to walk. White stared down at the gems before her, W: " If my daughter does get worse because of this....I will personally see that the gems who spoke up today will pay." She said coldly, she spun on her heels and went to ask one of the citrine's about blue. Yellow silently walked out to help the nurses prepare for the check-up, that blue was due to have anyway.

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