New arrivals

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( Sorry, I forgot to say this earlier but this book takes place when Steven is age 16... Thank you for reading my book I'm planning to do a second one soon too! Let's begin! )

Peridot finally managed to get the ships hyper magnetic drive to work, they were now only 2 minutes away from the palace. As soon as they arrived yellow and black were the first ones to get out of the ship, Steven, Connie and spinel were still on yellows shoulders the crystal gems followed behind them. Blacks army filed out of the troop carriers too, most of little home schools gems followed after hearing about what black had said earlier as well.

Blacks army escorted them all, and little home schools gems followed, blacks shadow accompanied him. They could hear someone singing softly down the hall, it was cut short by a sudden scream that echoed threw the halls, all the smaller gems, Connie and Steven had to cover their ears as it was too loud for them. Yellow and black stared at each other wide eyed. Black: " step aside! we'll be able to walk from here, follow if you must." And with that Black and yellow speed walked down the corridor, only to find themselves at the ballroom door...

Without hesitation yellow kicked the door open, she saw blue lying on the ground and white kneeling down. What made yellow scared the most was the floor was almost completely covered in blues blood...Y: " WHAT THE F*CK HAPPENED?!?!" Steven, Connie and spinel gasped, followed by others who did the same. Black rushed in and walked over to white, and kneeled down next to her. White whispered to him W: " I already called some of my Citrine's but none of them have answered. Get all the medics you can find, hurry!" Black nodded and ran out. Yellow walked over to blue, she sat down next to her and just looked on in shock, eventually she rested her hand on blues cheek. Blue slowly turned her head towards yellow, she tried to give her a reassuring smile but couldn't as yellow was on the verge of tears. Steven and spinel turned around as they were already crying.

Blue reached up the wipe yellows tears away, yellow leaned into blues hand and held it there. Not caring if she got blood on her or not,
Blue giggled the best she could, B: " you lemon,...I'm not gone yet...they still have to arrive, and by the looks of it that won't take very long..." yellow let a small smile appear. But it faded quickly, Y: " don't say that blue you'll be fine, I'll make sure of it... and how the hell did this happen?, I left your pearl here with you as well as all the best gems from my court..." Blue coughed again this time coursing the blood on the floor to create small ripples as she moved. But as soon as blue opened her mouth to speak her pearl reformed and landed back on whites hand, she looked around quickly.

When her eyes landed on blue she gasped and covered her mouth in shock. Bp/ navy: " m-m-my diamond I- I....I'm so sorry I wasn't there to fully protect you, I've failed you...I- I- I should be shattered imedia-" blue raised her hand to silence her pearl Blue: " No, did your job to the best of your ability, yes I am injured...but navy, you were always my dearest friend and you were willing to sacrifice yourself for me...I know many would think that that was always your job. But all I needed was a friend, and true... before that wouldn't have been classed as 'a diamond like' thing to say before...But I would never let anything happen to any of the people I care about dearly. But I need you, and everyone here to be here for my family when I go ...I need everyone to promise me they will be there to help, support and accept my daughters and or sons, for who they will become...please."

As soon as she finished everyone nodded in response, Black rushed into the room with 18 medical gems behind him. They immediately surrounded them and set up all of the machines, one of the head citrine's approached white, she put her hand down for the citrine to climb onto. She whispered in whites ear, Citrine1: " My tell you the truth we'll have to remove them in a similar procedure to the one we had to do for you, as she will struggle to pass all the gemlings, she has lost more than half of her energy to keep her alive and her gem is shattered into countless pieces...she has a plasma 'bullet' hole in the left side of her chest which was laced with radioactive products, which can be extremely harmful to an exposed wound ...she's too weak to do this by herself.
I'm sorry,...but, the chance of her surviving this is extremely low...but we will try our best to keep her alive for as long as we ca-"

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