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Blue, the four guards and the black sapphire were all walking down a long polished marble hallway which led towards Whites room. The Bs was smirking to himself as he didn't think it would be this easy to get into Blue's head, in fact so much so that he chuckled himself, earning worried looks from Blue and the guards to being pushed to keep on moving. In exchange the black sapphire growled at all of them even Blue, then summoning black shards of ice in the palm of his hand. Quickly directing it at the jasper that hit him... poofing her seconds after being hit. He looked down casually and spun on his heels.

Bs: "Now...is anyone else going to strike me again or can we continue?" He finished his speech with a smirk.

Everyone looked on in horror, as he continued
Bs: " Good....that's a good choice as I could poof and shatter all of you in a matter of minutes,..... especially you 'my diamond' and trust me that would cost more than just your own life, but many others.." he indicated to  Blue's arms, where she was protectively hiding her gemlings. He finished with a slightly lower-pitched tone

Blue was so afraid she forgot to suppress her expression, when the guards saw this they instinctively took many steps back from the gem they were holding. The black sapphire took immense satisfaction in seeing their fearful faces, so naturally, he thought he would make them even more horrified... he did this by tilting his head completely to the left so his ear was touching his shoulder, rolled his eyes to the back of his head so there was only the black abis for where his eyes should have been, and lowered his voice.

Bs: "Aww don't you wanna save your precious Diamond? I would hope not as I would wouldn't want to shatter all of you now would I? Now 'my diamond' if you wouldn't mind picking me up and taking me to your- " He was cut off by Blue quickly picking him up and walking to White's room.
Bs: "Thank you 'my diamond'....that was a good decision," he said with a hint of sarcasm he ended it with a chuckle...

Soon they were outside of White's door.

Soon they were outside of White's door

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Sorry, I couldn't help myself 😂

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