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It was a few months after Blue's hand was hurt and it had healed very well, it was early in the morning at this point, and Blue woke up startled. She was kissed on the forehead by Yellow who woke her up. Yellow was leaning over the elegant Blue gem, who was lying on a ' bed' ( Steven had told them what it was when they went to help him with cleaning up things on earth)

Y: "Hello Blue, did you have a good, what was it Steven said?......." B: " .....sleep?..." Y: "Yes that." B: "Yes I did Yellow, and I enjoyed last night too" Blue quickly touched the tip of Yellow's nose with her index finger ( it was more of a 'boop' ) She giggled at the sight of the Yellow gem's blush. Yellow chuckled and smirked at the Blue gem beneath her. Blue opened her arms and tempted Yellow to come closer. The Yellow gem smiled softly, and laid carefully on top of Blue, removing her helmet in a shimmer of light. And rested her head on the Blue gem's chest.

(And obviously, the pearls aren't there in the story, but you get the idea.)

Blue hummed quietly to herself, enjoying the time she spent with Yellow

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Blue hummed quietly to herself, enjoying the time she spent with Yellow. Yellow had drifted off to sleep, as she relaxed at the feeling of Blue gently messing with her hair. "Yellow~" the elegant Blue gem crooned, she smiled happily as she heard her yellow companion hum to show she heard.

"I love you~" Blue spoke in a gentle sing-song manner. Yellow smiled and moved closer to Blue.
"And I love you, My Blue," she said, moving closer and kissing her partner's gem. Blue hummed contentedly and started to drift off herself, comforted by feeling Yellow breathing steadily on her gem.

However, the moment was later interrupted.

Blue groaned as she put her hand up to her head. Feeling a stabbing pain in her head, "Blue? Is something wrong?" Yellow sat up and looked down at Blue, "No, no I'm fine Love." Blue dismissed. Yellow furrowed her brows disapprovingly, "Don't lie to me, Dear. What's the matter?" Blue sighed, her eyes closed. "I'm fine... it's just my head began to hurt. I'm fine Yellow, really." Blue turned her head slightly to look at her yellow companion.

Yellow, did not seem to believe this and gently rested her hand on Blue's forehead. "Blue! You're burning up!" Yellow stated horrified. Blue was meant to be cool to the touch. Not nearly as warm as Yellow herself. Blue groaned again and held her head. "Yellow. I'm fine-" Blue started

"No you're not Blue, I'm going to take you to the medical wing. And no 'but's' okay?" The Yellow Gem stated. Blue just nodded, causing her to feel nauseous. Blue held her head with one hand and her other arm around Yellow's neck, as Yellow picked Blue up 'bridal style' and started to move to the medial centre which was near White's wing of the palace. B: "You don't need to carry me, love, my legs are not the problem." Blue joked trying to ease Yellow's mind.

W: "Blue!, Yellow what happened, is she okay?!" Y: "White relax a bit please it's not helping, Call your citrine." (Imagine her however you wish but she is like the gem version of a high-class doctor) White pulled out a crystal communicator, Soon after the call ended Blue began to feel dizzy and lightheaded, Yellow managed to calm her down a bit by reassuring Blue the medics were on their way.

Blue whimpered a bit in Yellow's arms, her head was pounding, and it felt like someone had bashed her in the head with something. Surprisingly, White was now worried out of her mind. As odd as it sounds she was very close to Blue for some reason, she was stood over by Yellow and was gently stroking Blue's hair which seemed to help too. The medics and doctors all rushed in and asked Yellow to put Blue on the bed in the corner, as she did so the doctors and nurses all shapeshifted to the height of the Diamond and started to test Blue whilst asking Yellow and White all sorts of questions.

As soon as the two finished the questions they walked over to Blue sorrowfully as the Blue gem had to be put under anaesthetic so her physical form wouldn't fade and disappear because of how much her head was hurting. W: "My poor moonlight" She wept into her hands upon seeing Blue in such a state, Yellow just rubbed Blue's hand which was lying across her abdomen, Yellow thought
'How can she look so peaceful even though she is in so much pain?'

Y: "........White can I, can I ask you something please?" W: "Yes sunlight what's on your mind?" Y: "How *sigh* how come you are so close to Blue? You care about Blue a lot but not in the same way I do...and you worry about her just like a human 'Mother' would. " White looked at her with shock then she knew she had to come clean.

W: " Yellow do you remember when you got your first colony?" Y: "Yes, I had to work hard for it, and what does that have anything to do with my question?" White hesitated for a while then answered W: "Do you, you remember the Gemling program?" Yellow was confused for a second or two "Yes why?" Then gasped she knew, it all made so much sense, Blue was handed her colony much younger than when Yellow got hers, and was always White's favourite out of herself, and Pink, and White always took time out of her day if Blue ever wanted or needed to talk with her....

Every working gem in the room was astounded. Not one gemling had survived the program, except the lustrous Blue Diamond herself. All eyes fell on Blue and White...

Y: "How?!, Who was the other parent White?!" Yellow was shocked at what White answered, W: "...Black diamond" she said sorrowfully looking down at Blue who was still unconscious.....

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