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W: "Would you like to talk about this sweetie?, it's okay if you don't....but we need to know if you are okay...." the diamonds, the crystal gems, Steven, spinel, Connie, lapis, Peridot, bismuth and the diamonds pearls were all squeezed onto blue and yellows bed in their room.

Blue looked extremely exhausted and very pale, her health was going downhill and fast, blue was now 8 and a half months along too...the more black interfered the more her health got worse. Yellow, Steven and white had all tried to heal her but nothing seemed to work no matter how hard they tried. Even the best medical gems couldn't do anything, but they did say she would hopefully heal on her own.

Blue sighed and leaned back, yellow put Blue's head on her shoulder so she could feel comfortable. Blue was just letting silent tears roll down her face, everyone looked on in concern. B: " I- I don't know what's wrong! What did I do to him to try to shatter me?! I-.......I-I don't know what to do......" Blue hid her face in her hands, her aura flooded throughout the palace. Everyone could hear gems outside fall to the floor in a sobbing mess. The only one who could withstand this was Blues Pearl, a single tear rolled down her cheek. Lapis hasn't felt so much grief in her entire existence, this feeling was so bad even she was in floods of tears. Her tears were flooding some of the floor as they were just spilling out. Yellows pearl got the worst of it....(just look at the poor thing!😂)

Her eyes were full to the brim with tears, she couldn't seem to get rid of any of it

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Her eyes were full to the brim with tears, she couldn't seem to get rid of any of it.
Y: " sh....shshshsh....Blue, I know this situation is stressing you a lot, but please try to control your aura...everyone is sobbing, my pearl is getting the worst of it..." Blues eyes widened and she stuttered B: "S-sorry I-I-I didn't mean to make you all cry s-so much!" Blue pulled her aura in and soon the blue light ceased. Steven: "Sorry to tell you guys but we need to get going my dad will be worried..." Steven looked at the diamonds, they all gave him a genuine smile of appreciation. W: "We understand Steven, goodbye starlight we'll miss you...." Y: "Make sure you come and visit us again Steven, hopefully before Blue has the gemlings. And we all love you too goodbye." Spinel hugged Steven one last time as well. Blue didn't say anything as she had fallen asleep due to all the stress. With that Steven and the crystal gems and Connie left to go back to Earth.

Black Diamonds POV:
Black: " YOU IMBECILE HOW COULD YOU LET HER ESCAPE!!!" Black faced the shadow that resembled himself and his black sapphire, he threw the shadow in anger into the wall making it disappear threw it, it soon teleported itself back into the ship. Black Sapphire was leaning against the wall his arms crossed. (Bs) Bs: " I still don't get why you're trying to shatter your only daughter and her gemlings my diamond..." Black: " BECAUSE YOU PETTY LITTLE PIECE OF SH*T! I NEVER WANTED AN HEIR, AND I DON'T HAVE TO EXPLAIN MYSELF TO A SAPPHIRE!..... EVEN THOUGH A PART OF ME STILL WANTED TO RAISE BLUE, wife!, didn't even send me anything from blue....she didn't even know I existed until a couple of months ago..." The last part of black's sentence was quiet he did still want to get to know Blue, he still loved White as well but hated her for keeping Blue a secret from him.

Final goodbye/last helloWhere stories live. Discover now