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Hi guys! Sorry it's been so long, as you all know I've just finished my 1st book. I will be posting a few of my drawings for some of the chapters on this book that I forgot to put in earlier, I've just started my second book which is called 'it's not that she didn't want to live, it's that she had fallen for death.' Which is going to be the continuation of this book, but this time I won't be posting everything as fast as I had before... As you all know, I'm still in secondary school...
and in yr 9 going into yr 10 so I've got a lot on my hands, I've got to pick my options, figure out what I want to do when I leave school, and try pass all my GCSES... but I still want to continue writing for you all. So I will unfortunately not be posting as often, as I'm doing some mock tests as we speak. I have also got to help my mother as well as she is going threw a divorce with my farther, so I have to help more with my siblings and help the rest of my family as well...

On top of all this I have gone back into my Harry Potter story obsessions again...😓
BUT! don't worry I will still continue my su stories as well! I still love Steven universe as well, I never leave a book unfinished! I just have a LOT to do at the moment but I will try to finish my other book when I have some spare time. I hope you all understand, and I'm sorry that this new book will take longer to publish. But I promise I WILL finish it!

Thank you so much for all your support!
I hope you are all well
From, well me 😂❤️

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