A final Goodbye

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( this isn't my art, 👆🏼this is an artist called ushi 👍🏼)

( this isn't my art, 👆🏼this is an artist called ushi 👍🏼)

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I don't know who drew these though 👆🏼And the name I thought was most fitting for their son was

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I don't know who drew these though 👆🏼
And the name I thought was most fitting for their son was...........Hunter! As my youngest cousin is also called Hunter, their eldest daughters name is.....( most popular choice ) fern! And finally their middle child's name is.......Hazel! 😁
I really appreciate all the other name ideas as well, I think I managed to pick one from everyone who commented so thank youuuu! 😊

Yellow was sat on the edge of her and blues bed, yellow gently picked blues limp hand up and held it softly. Yellow,white and black had all been taking it in turns with watching the gemlings. Yellow sighed, she hadn't left blues side since the day she passed. She always sat there alone next to blue. She would secretly cry to herself, imagining blue was still with her... yet the only thing she could think of was the haunting sounds of that day, her in pain, suffering and at the same time some joy, about the fact that she had 3 daughters...even if she didn't know about her only son. But yellow couldn't get over the fact that she had left blue alone, when she said she was scared...yellow still left her alone. And now she couldn't do anything about it...

That was what haunted yellow the most, she still had dreams of that day. The sounds, the feelings and the scenes of blue in pain...
Y: " *sigh* Blue, I can't do this without you... I can't raise our kids by myself. W-we were meant to do it together...I miss you, I wish you were still here with us- it's NOT f-fair. I-....we all miss you." Yellow rested her head on blue hand, she tried her best to muffle her crying but white walked in to help her up.

W: " yellow, please you need to stop coming here...if it makes you miserable then you shouldn't keep coming here. You have a responsibility as a parent now...it will take you a while to get used to this, weather you like it or not...I know, how you feel... she-....she's in a better place now yellow, she's not in pain now...if nightlight was still here after finding out about the boy she would have gotten worse... she's gone...but she's at peace."
Y: " I know, but I miss her so much...I never thought I would have to live without her. This is all my fault, I SHOULDN'T HAVE LEFT HER!"

Final goodbye/last helloWhere stories live. Discover now