The call

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The picture at the top isn't my art, but I thought it was cool as blue looks like / resembles white (mother-daughter vibes 😂)

It had been two days since Blues death, her body was being prepared for her upcoming funeral. Yellow, Steven, spinel, black and White were all in despair, they had asked the medical gems to try to find a way to possibly bring Blue back or at least try to find an answer to why her form hadn't poofed when she was injured. But they always got the same answer... 'we've tried but there's no way we can'...

At this moment black was on a call to one of the members of 'the 2nd authority.' From the planet Adorith. Her name was Red Diamond she was the most social diamond out of the second authority.
( not my art )

However she wasn't as accepting as the others, she could be stubborn at times and wasn't very organised, but she could keep a secret

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However she wasn't as accepting as the others, she could be stubborn at times and wasn't very organised, but she could keep a secret. As soon as she answered Black's transmission she was faced with Black towering above her. All the members of the second authority except one were shorter than yellows height, she had to look up to make eye contact with black. Black: " Red." He said bluntly, no one else knew he had changed for the better and he intended to keep it that way. (for now at least) Red looked up in shock she hadn't seen black for at least 16 thousand years, eventually she regained her posture and cleared her throat. Red: " Black,  to what do I owe the pleasure of speaking to you after so long?" Black looked red straight in the eyes and declared the impossible...

Black: "Mine and white Diamond's only daughter, Blue Diamond barely escaped a group of hired assassins...she took a blow to her gem and the left side of her 'rib cage' whatever that is. Her gem shattered at the power of the weapon...Shortly after she went into two months of early labour, she had to have her four gemlings removed as she was too weak to have them naturally...They successfully removed three daughters but sadly the youngest of the four who was a son was announced a stillborn... two minutes later she came around and was fine for a few minutes...she bled to death on the ballroom floor, and shortly after she died in White and yellow diamonds arms, the blood from her corpse had then fully drained out. She is now her original colour of light grey and is now being prepared for her funeral...we would like you all to come to it as I know she would have wanted that...."

Red Diamond went pale, she thought no one was able to have far as Red knew it was completely unprecedented. Red started to tear up as Blue had always acted as a mother to Red, pink and the others when no one else was around to help them all with their colonies as Red and the others were fairly inexperienced with their responsibilities as diamonds. Black: "You mustn't tell you know who about this....she's not welcome.... It was nice talking to you again red...even if it was under unpleasant circumstances, I'm sorry." And with that black ended the call, Shortly after red broke down and stayed like that for the next hour...

Red has to tell the others-

Peach diamond-
Optimistic, always happy, social, loyal, calm and collected, likes to mediate when angry or stressed, the youngest diamond out of the authority.

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