You can't...

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W: " shshsh... nightlight don't worry they'll help you okay?, you'll be okay sweetie just stay with us a little longer...please....don't leave us..." Blue was whimpering now the pain unbearable for her, she could feel where they removed the gemlings as the numbness had worn off and they still hadn't closed up the wound. What was worse was that blue was bleeding from two wounds instead of just one, the one in her chest still gushing out more blood as she moved.

Yellow did her best to re assure blue, she held blues hands and tried to calm her by singing, she had sung it before which was when they had first seen each other. ( this made blue laugh as yellow couldn't reach the highest notes like she could)

(James Arthur say you won't let go, I changed a few of the lyrics to match the story 👍🏼)
Y:" 🎵🎶I met you in the dark, I helped you up
You made me feel as though I was enough
We talked the night away, I talked too much
I held your hair back when
You were crying over something
Then you smiled over your shoulder
For a minute, I was stone-cold sober
I pulled you closer to my chest
And you asked me to stay over
I said, I already told you
I think that you should get some rest
I knew I loved you then
But you never knew
'Cause I played it cool when I'm scared of letting go
I know I need you
But I never showed it
But I wanna stay with you until we're grey and old
Just say you won't let go
Just say you won't let go
I'll wake you up with saying something annoying
I'll bring you close with a kiss on your head
And I'll take the kids to school
Wave them goodbye
And I'll thank my lucky stars for that night
When you looked over your shoulder
For a minute, I forget that I'm older
I wanna dance with you right now
Oh, and you look as beautiful as ever
And I swear that everyday you'll get better
You make me feel this way somehow
I'm so in love with you
And I hope you know
Darling, your love is more than worth its weight in gold
We've come so far, my dear
Look how we've grown
And I wanna stay with you until we're grey and old
Just say you won't let go
Just say you won't let go
I wanna live with you
Even in shattering
'Cause you were always there for me when I needed you most
I'm gonna love you 'til
My gem give out ( not sure if that makes sense 😅 )
I promise 'til death we part like in our vows
So I wrote this song for you, now everybody knows
That it's just you and me 'til we're grey and old
Just say you won't let go
Just say you won't let go
Just say you won't let go
Oh, just say you won't let go...🎵🎶"

At this point blue was calmer but she was still crying... B: " yellow...I-...I don't want to." Yellow glanced to white and black who were holding the gemlings, ( black was holding two as the gemlings were so small compared to him and white was just holding the one.) Y: " don't want to what?..." blue took a shaky breath B: "" Y: " blue, please you can't...I love you too much, please just,... hold on a little longer..."

W: " nightlight...please hold on... for them...please..." Blue looked from white over to yellow, she breathed in slowly to gather her thoughts and held out her hand for black to take B: " Father...I know we got off...on the wrong foot but I forgive you...please take care of mom and make sure that she's okay. I need you both to take this chance to pick up the pieces you both left behind when you both fell, apart...please though, don't keep me a secret from them...even if I'm not here I would like for them to know who I was..." black: " now, now, blue don't say goodbye you'll be okay, the medics will fix you up." ( I forgot to say but blue got her Irish accent from black as he has a strong English accent with a bit of Irish in there too. But blue mainly got the Irish part 👍🏼)

Blue sighed as more tears ran down her face, she whispered B: " I can't..." Y: " no, no, please! don't...please..." yellow was now crying as well. Yellow could feel blues grip on her hand loosen, and blues form go limp. Eventually blues hand slipped out of yellows and landed on her chest.
White sat there in shock, eventually after a minute she came back into reality. She gritted her teeth to try to quieten her crying. Yellow did the same, but white broke and let out a distressed scream of pain and gently touched whites shoulder, which made her sob into her hands. Black: " w...why hasn't her form disappeared? ( poofed ) she should have done so when she was wounded...."

One of the citrine's put a hand on blacks shoulder to get his attention Citrine: " we'll look into it my diamond, but for now...I think it's best that you comfort your wife...I'm sorry."
Everyone in the room who had witnessed blues death now stood in silence, no one had seen anything like this before, yet they only bowed there heads and silently cried in respect to her and the others closest to the authority....

Sorry this is short guys, I couldn't think of anything else to put. Don't worry though there will be lots more chapters and books following on from this, this books not finished yet either. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. but thank you if you are still putting up with my book ( it's not great )  bye 👋🏼

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