«3- Aftermath»

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«Makoto Naegi»

Why did I say that? Why the FUCK did I say that?
I stare numbly at my plate, tears flowing too.
"Makoto are you Ok?"
Sayaka, Aoi and Chihiro crowd round me, asking questions that fall on blind ears.
I knew Byakuya hates his dad, why would I say that? WHY WHY WHY?

I'm a terrible boyfriend.

That's why.

"I need to go." I splutter. I know why words will fuel the fire of rumours like oil, but I'm to rattled to care. Let them talk now- but I'll regret it in the morning.
This situation again. Standing outside his door. Waiting for a line of dialogue to flutter into my mind.
"Byakuya? I'm sorry." Pathetic.
I can hear his voice inside.
"Makoto, can you leave me? Just for a bit? I need some time by myself."
I don't even respond. I just slump to my room, alone again.

Oh. I'm in a dream.
I float through the corridor, the landscape slowly accumulating.
"The... train station?"
Oh. These green and grey walls elicit a dull pain in my heart. This place gives me bad energy.
Is that me?
I'm crying. Crying over the tracks.
I take a tentative step forward.
Over a shattered mirror?

Then everything disappears.

«Time skip to next day lunchtime»
I stumble to my next lesson. I rustle you my timetable- science. I slither into my seat next to Sayaka, rubbing my eyes.
"Hey Makoto! How are you? Are you coming to Sayaka's party?" Asks Leon.
At the mention of her name, Sayaka turns round from the conversation with Junko.
"Oh, hi Makoto!" She leaps over and squeezed me in a bone crushing hug. What's up with girls and hugging? "Are you ok?" She whispers, her blue eyes cloudy with concern. "After yesterday?"
"Oh, I'm fine! Don't worry about it." Sayaka strokes my hair, her pale fingers playing through it. I remember when she used to do this when we were kids- she and Byakuya are the only ones who really do. Byakuya.I wonder if we'll ever be that close again.
"Ugh, are you two dating or something?" Barks Junko, striding over.
"No. I'm still single." Smiles Sayaka slightly wistfully.
The lesson begins, and I try to push thoughts of  Byakuya Togami out of my mind. I need to apologise, I decide. Obviously.
Junko, Leon and Sayaka, as usual, resume chatting about the party and every rumour floating around.
"Have you heard that toko is going to a new school?"
"Did you know Nagito Komeada's dating a reserve course student?"
"I can't believe Mondo is on probation!"
I copy the questions on the board, my mind drifting in and out of focus. What am I going to say to Byakuya...
Nows my chance! I rush forward, and-

I splat on my face, smacking my head on the concrete.
"Oops! Sorry Makoto!" Giggles Junko. I groan softly.
"Omg! Makoto, are you OK?"
No. "Yeah, I'm fine." I lie through gritted teeth.
"Byakuya!" I jump up again, making my way through the corridor.
"What?" I jolt back, looking up at Byakuya. His expression doesn't soften when he sees me.
"I want to-"
"Makoto, I need to get to class. You should too." He storms off.
What...What the fuck just happened?

Naegami- Blackmail (sequel to eyes in the shadows)Where stories live. Discover now