«7- Breaking up with you»

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«Makoto Naegi»
I stare at the screen, trembling. No... who would do this? Why? Who knows? I was drunk, anyone could have seen us, we could have told anyone-
A speech bubble appears and I almost scream, each bubble sending shockwaves down my spine.
👤:Don't block this number. Don't try to find me. Don't go to the police. Or I'll tell everyone. And nobody will believe you.
My hands shiver like they've been dunked in icy water. Shaking, I start to type out a response. What do I write? I can't deny anything. It's all true.
Finally, I type out something.
👤: what do you want.
I wait for two minutes with baited breath.
👤: If you don't want me to ruin byakuya's life, you need to break up with him and start dating Sayaka Maizano. Don't tell him about this. Don't tell anyone. I will know.
Break up with him? My soulmate? No. No, I can't, please-
I sink onto my bed, sobbing, arms wrapped around myself. I can feel my phone vibrate with a new message, the vibrations slicing up my arm, but I ignore it. They've already done enough. They've ruined everything.
I wipe my eyes determinedly. I need to do the right thing. I can't let Byakuya suffer. Even if he hates me, even if he wants me dead, even if his heart breaks- he'll thank me in the end.

Knock knock knock.
"M-makoto?" Groans Sayaka, prizing open the door.she's only wearing a bra and underwear with a dressing gown slung over her shoulders. Her face is so close to mine I can smell her breath.
"Um, is this a good time?" I ask.
"Yeah, yeah, It's fine." She yawns.
I follow her inside. I take a deep breath, my fists clenched. I have to do this. For him.
"Sayaka, I need to tell you something." I say.
She twists round sluggishly, coffee cup in hand.
"I want to start going out with you. I- I wanna be your boyfriend." I sigh.
Her eyes widen, the coffee cup smashing to the ground.
"Omg Makoto!! I can't believe it!!" She squeals, leaping into my arms, her chest pressed against mine. "Let me get dressed, then we can spend all day together!"
"Sorry, sayaka, I have to go do something quickly."
I hurry out of the door, my stomach twisting.

What have I done.

Time skip to 6:00

self harm warning for the next chapter.
«Byakuya Togami»
Fortunately, my father never found out about me sneaking out. Unfortunately, it was because he was at another party, drinking until he comes home in a stupor and wakes up in a terrible mood the next day.
I sit on my room, playing idly with a pen.
Ring ring!
I pick up my phone. Makoto- I wonder what he wants.
"Hi Makoto."
"Uh, Byakuya. I need to come in."
"Are you ok?" I notice the anxiety in his voice.
"Yeah. I need to talk." Oh no. Those words never end well.

I manage to sneak Makoto into my room. He stands there awkwardly, taking long, laborious breaths.
"Byakuya. I need to break up with you."


I let out a short, humourless laugh to cover the tears welling in my heart.
"I'm sorry, but I need to do this. It's not you, it's me." He mutters, hiding his face.
"Why? Why are you doing this?" I splutter, cringing at how needy I sound.
"I-I- I need to." He cries, tears streaming down his face. "Please. I'm sorry. I hope you can find someone else as well."
"As well?" I sneer. "Oh, so you've found someone else?"
"I-" Makoto flinches back. It's like a knife in my heart. He's... scared of me.
"You can leave now." I order, turning my back on him.
As soon as I hear his footsteps quieten, I hurl the glass on my desk to the floor. It shatters into oblivion, the glass chunks strewn across my floor. I let out a stifled scream, choking on my hand. Shaking, I start picking the glass up, letting them slice into my hand, the pink blood running down my arms. Good. I deserve that.
I give up, throwing the bloody glass down. Let a maid pick it up. I don't care anymore.

I don't care.

I probably won't update this weekend because I'm going camping 🏕 😄 but then I will update again!
Who do you think did it? I'll give you a clue- Junko is involved, but she's not the one sending the messages!

Naegami- Blackmail (sequel to eyes in the shadows)Where stories live. Discover now