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«Makoto Naegi»
I groggily open my eyes, scrambling for my phone to check the time. I take in the screen blearily.
209 notifications.
What? I jolt up from the bed, taking a closer look. I click on the latest one, sent 30 seconds ago from Sayaka. She's messaged me 60 times since midnight. I read the last 5.
💙Sayaka M💙:Answer me
💙Sayaka M💙:Answer!!!!
💙Sayaka M💙: Makoto I'm so worried please.
💙Sayaka M💙: I still wanna date u
💙Sayaka M💙: Please stop ignoring me!🥺🥺
Cold dread trickles down my spine. I scroll to the top.
💙Sayaka M💙: Omg I just read the news.
💙Sayaka M💙: Everyone's spreading rumours that you and Togami were dating????
💙Sayaka M💙: Are you Bi??? I don't care I'm worried are you ok??
💙Sayaka M💙: we're still dating right??
No. NO. How do they know?
My breath is ragged, coming in shallow gulps. I go to the class group chat.
💙Sayaka M💙: Have any of you seen what's on Junko's Insta?
Chihiro: No???😨
Mermaid girl 🧜‍♀️ : Yh is it true??
Mermaid girl 🧜‍♀️: She shouldn't have done that.
Sakura: I agree Aoi. It's really against their privacy.
Bike boy 🏍 : wait wtf happened.
💙Sayaka M💙: someone has started rumours that Makoto and Togami we're dating and Togami is gay.
Bike boy 🏍: and???
Chihiro: His company is really backwards. They'll kick him out.
They know. THEY KNOW.
I leap out of bed, running to the bathroom. I drag a toothbrush across my teeth, not even bothering to brush my hair and leap into my clothes.
I run to school, each step faster than the last.
I need to find Byakuya.

«Byakuya Togami»
When I walk into school the next day, I instantly realise something's off. Something is wrong.
A thousand pairs of eyes slide over me as I enter. What's happened now.
I don't care for silly rumours, but by the way people are acting it seems like much more than frivolous gossip.
"Byakuya, are the rumours true." Drawls Hiyoko. "Are you gay?"
No no no no no. This isn't happening.
"It's all over the school! Are you gay?"
"No. I have no idea what you are talking about, you idiot." I sneer, almost failing to keep my voice from shaking.
"You used to date Makoto Naegi right? Isn't he a filthy commoner?" Junko giggles like it's the funniest thing on the world. Laughing at the end of my life.
"I never did that." I yell. "Stop being so pathetic."
"Ok, calm down."
I wait for one of my classmates to defend me, but they all turn away like nothing is happening. Can't they see my lies crashing to pieces? are they blind?
"Shut up Junko!"
Is that-
"It's not true!" He yells.
"Yes it is Makoto!" Sneers Hiyoko.
"I have video proof."
Junko fishes her phone out of her pocket, scrolling to audio recordings. She presses a button; then it begins.
Makoto, I want you to tell me everything." Someone's voice rings out, distorted.
"Everything? About what?" Makoto? What is he doing?
"Your life. Your friends. Byakuya." A pause, like he's forgotten who I am.
"He's my boyfriend."
"Oh yeah? Mr Togami's gay?"
Makoto looks sick, shaking like hell topple over any minute.
"Oh yeah." I hear Makoto groan in pleasure."Yeah, he is."
He is.
Time slows as I think of my options.
1. Deny. It's definitely going to fail.
2. Say it's a joke.
3. Run.
Before I can make up my mind, my legs shiver into action, and I run faster than I ever have before.

Naegami- Blackmail (sequel to eyes in the shadows)Where stories live. Discover now