«20- Trap»

359 14 3

«Makoto Naegi»
I drift in and out of a fretful sleep, Sayaka stiff beside me. We'd spend some time talking, until the banging in my head overtook my mind and I just couldn't anymore. It feels like I'm floating, my mind heavy, no emotions, just blearily surveying the room every hour.
"Oh, good girl Monaca!" I wake up with a gasp, banging my head on the top of the cage.
Junko is talking animatedly to a small, pale girl in a wheelchair. Her hair is a sickly shade of green, and she's dressed in the hope's peak junior uniform.
"Monaca is happy to help Junko!" She beams, passing something to Junko. In the cloaking darkness, I spot four stubby limbs and a toothy smile. A bear toy?
"Aww, thanks Monaca! Monokuma is finally ready! The killing game will begin soon, all thanks to you!"
Killing game?!
No no no no. This isn't happening.
"Junko, what do you mean?!" I stutter.
"Oh, this loser is awake. Monaca, this Makoto. The one who started it all."
Monaca grins sneakily. "Wow, he looks- ordinary."
"I know right?! Who wears a jacket over a hoodie?" Snorts Junko.
"Junko, listen. What killing game?"
Her eyes instantly turn to ice. Junko's mouth waters, her eye's clouding with joy.
"Oh, it's my best idea yet! A true way to spread despair. Oh, how beautiful. So, so, so amazeballs!!!!" She squeals, pulling Monaca into a hug. "And Monaca helped so much!" Monaca beams, her eyes lightening.
"Anyways! RYOTA."
There's a clatter in the corner of the room which I can't see, and a trembling Ryota emerges. He's deathly pale, the dark rings under his eyes are almost black, and can't seem to stop shaking.
"How is the video going?" She asks.
"G-good. O- o-our- y-your promise still stands, right?" He stammers.
"Yup! Totes magotes! Now carry on hun!"
I turn away, scowling. The killing game still circles my mind. What will happen? What will happen? What will happen?

4 hours later

I snap up, going straight to peer out of the bars. The room is black, midnight, and it's silent, except Junko and Ryota's snores and-
"Makoto? Makoto! It's me!"
"Byakuya! Oh my god!"
"Ok, let's get out of here!" Fuyuhiko?
"Makoto, what..." Sayaka stirs next to me.
"Young master, please, let's hurry." Peko hisses.
"Ok, we're coming." I drag a sleepy Sayaka out of the cage, crawling onto the floor.
"Oh, it's Sayaka!"
"Kazuichi, be QUIET."
Someone hits the lights and the room floods with light.
"Yes! Welcome all, toooooo..."
"JUNKO'S LAIR! You have fell for my trap!"

Naegami- Blackmail (sequel to eyes in the shadows)Where stories live. Discover now