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Time skip to the next day (Thursday)
«Makoto Naegi»
The school is plastered in posters and worried faces the next day- and everybody is talking about the disgraced pop-star kicked from the band. Turns out, the band of 5 I'd turning into a group of 4- without Sayaka. So she really is washed up now. Kidnapped. I need to save her.
I walk out of first class, my mind full of sayaka, to textiles. As I pass, I see Junko, pasting another poster to the wall.

I ignore her

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I ignore her. I hate her, and I hate what she did. This is her fault, and SHE's putting up posters? Which is irregular- normally, either Mukuro or Ryota does all her work. 
I leave quickly, head down. I only look up when I see a figure standing almost in front of me.
"Oh- hey Chiaki!"
Chiaki smiles timidly at me. She's got her eyes fixed on her phone, which is ringing. The imposter shadows her, not wearing a disguise today- normally he disguises himself as Ryota or Byakuya (much to his disgruntlement). Oh, and Mukuro stands behind them too.
"What's the matter?" I ask.
"Ryota's missing." Chiaki explains softly.
Ryota and Sayaka? And that mysterious person... who, who- who was that? It's couldn't have been her.... could it have been? No. Ryota wouldn't. He hates water, according to Junko. Even in his last moments, he wouldn't face his worst fear, would he?
"Oh no. Is he Ill?" I ask frantically.
"Calls go straight to voicemail. His phone is either dead or broken." Or at the bottom of the lake.
"Oh. Oh- I hope you find him." I splutter, rushing away.
Ryota and Sayaka. Sayaka and Ryota. What the hell is happening?

Sorry it's short- I've been soo busy and tired. We're in third act! Hope you've enjoyed the story!

Naegami- Blackmail (sequel to eyes in the shadows)Where stories live. Discover now