«10- It's over»

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This chapter mentions abuse in Byakuya's perspective , so you might wanna skip it if you're sensitive to those subjects.

«Byakuya Togami»
The bathroom walls are cold and hard so I rest my head against them, landing for there ability to be strong.
I've fucked up my life. I know it. I know exactly when it happened- in that library, saying yes to the one lucky student which would make me so unlucky.
Ultimate heir of the Togami corporation, cowering in a bathroom stall. Pathetic. Just like my father said.
That sends pure agony down my spine. If he- no, when he finds out- I'm gone. Out of the house, exiled, beaten bloody until I can't even remember my own name.

It's over for me.

This will probably be my last day here at Hope's peak.

And I can't say goodbye to anyone.

I'll never see him again.

The thought makes me throw up again.

«Makoto Naegi»
I stare after Byakuya, words jammed in my throat. I try to splutter something out, but my words are lost, lost with Byakuya. Only one thought tings clear:
How am I going to fix this?
I gasp for air, everyone's eyes on me. The new punching bag, my private moments plastered on the walls of the school.
I walk backwards, out of the door, forcing myself not to run until I'm out of the hallway. Then- I sprint to the boys bathrooms.
"Makoto-" I feel a cloying hand on my shoulder as I'm about to enter. "Makoto, we're still dating, right?"
Sayaka looks into my eyes, concerned: not for Byakuya, not even for me- just he down little fantasies. Selfish and greedy. I clench my fists, not wanting to lose my cool.
"I think we need to break up." I say flatly.
"what." Her breath is ragged, pounding in her chest. "Makky, please. Please!! Don't do this! I don't care that you like boys as well!" She sobs.
"Sayaka, I need to talk to him." The him hangs in the air like poisonous gas and Sayaka chokes on it.
"MAKOTO PLEASE!! DON'T YOU LOVE ME?" She shriek, pulling back on my clothes, wild desperation in her eyes. The childhood best friends lens shatters- all I see is a pop star drowning in her career, cracked and broken beyond repair. She's so close to being washed up that I can't reach her.
"Sayaka, I will always love you, but-"
"You love Byakuya more." Junko interrupts. "Fuck off Makoto! You've BROKEN Sayaka's heart!" She spits like poison.
So fuck off is what I do.

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