Chapter One

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Lena stepped into her big office, releasing a breath she had been holding. She had been having more and more meetings in the past couple of months. More and more investors began to put their faith in her and she was thankful that people were starting to see her as more than just a Luthor, but she missed having two evenings off in a row.

As she sat down in her chair, she heard a sound outside her window. She swiveled, turning to her balcony. Seeing Supergirl, she slowly stood up, straightening her tight black skirt and fiddled with her collar.

Kara smiled as she saw Lena's face soften at the sight of her. Kara felt her heart pound against her ribcage, loud enough for her to hear even without her super hearing, when she remembered why she was here. Lena Luthor and Kara Danvers had been friends for almost two years at this point, yet Kara still hasn't told Lena that she is Supergirl. After Lena got into trouble a couple of days ago at the hands of angry, corrupt politicians that hate any Luthor they see, Kara decided it was time to tell Lena.

When they captured Lena, they made their motive clear. Kill her. They believed Lena was capable of what her brother, Lex, could do. She wasn't a maniacal murderer like her brother, but many people of National City were still wary around her. Lena was used to this since she had spent countless times tied up and gagged by her family's enemies. Supergirl was busy on another mission and had no clue her best friend had been kidnapped. By the time the DEO got the news, thanks to Brainy, Kara had rushed off to save her.

When she got to the basement of the house located on the coordinates Brainy found, Lena had stopped breathing.

Kara realized she didn't want to lose her best friend, and she especially didn't want to lose Lena when she still didn't know one of her biggest secrets. She couldn't live with herself if Lena died before really knowing her best friend. She had already come to this decision before Lena recovered fully. Her mind was immediately made up when she saw Lena hanging on to her life.

Lena hadn't been as hurt in the other times she had been kidnapped. She was always tortured, but never to this extent. When Kara got there and saw Lena unconscious and not breathing, she panicked. Lena's clothing was covered in blood. She calmed herself, telling her that Lena needed her, and did a quick scan of her body, trying to see how serious her injuries were, and Kara felt her throat close up. It was definitely serious. Lena's ribs were broken, puncturing her skin. She seemingly had a concussion and had bruises and cuts all over her face, most likely from being punched over and over. Her left eye was swollen and her mouth was covered in dried blood. Her stomach was bleeding internally after being kicked repeatedly by the men who captured her.

Kara panicked again and froze when she suddenly didn't know what to do.

"Supergirl?" Alex's voice came through the coms. "What's going on over there?"

Kara snapped out of it but didn't reply. Her super hearing was activated and she was relieved when she heard a very faint heartbeat. She carefully maneuvered Lena into her arms and flew straight to the DEO.

"We need medical," Kara said, her brows furrowed. "It's very serious this time. She's not breathing but she's alive."

Alex immediately sprang into action after seeing the state Lena was in, calling for the best DEO doctors and nurses, but not before noticing her sister's voice breaking slightly.

Alex helped prep Lena for surgery, having some experience in the medical field before she was recruited by the DEO. She made sure she was secured in the OR before she went to find her sister.

"I didn't even catch the assholes who did this," Kara said, tears falling down her face. "I just needed to get her here."

"Hey, it's okay. We'll get them next time." Alex reassured her, rubbing her back slowly.

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