Chapter Seventeen

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Lena opened her eyes when she heard a knock on the door. She groaned, barely awake. She flipped herself so that she was lying on her back and she reflexively shut her eyes again from the bright sunlight coming through the window. She threw an arm across the bed and she remembered where she was when she didn't recognize the texture of the bedsheet.

She heard a louder knock on the door and she looked around for Kara but realized the shower was running in the bathroom. She debated whether or not she should answer the door but she finally decided she had nothing to lose.

Lena slowly got up from Kara's bed and headed towards the door. A third knock made her walk faster. She opened the door and saw Alex standing on the other side, a hand raised as if she was about to knock again.

"Lena?" Alex blinked.

"Um, good morning, Alex." Lena stepped aside nervously to let her pass, her cheeks warm.

"You're here earl-" Alex was about to comment but she realized Lena had on Kara's clothes. A small satisfied sound escaped from her but Lena didn't seem to notice.

Lena was straightening the National City University sweatshirt she had on and pointed to the bathroom, indicating that Kara was in there.

"Well, I brought a lot of breakfast. There's enough for three." Alex plopped down on the living room couch, reaching inside a paper bag for a donut.

"Thanks." Lena took a Danish pastry and sat down on a kitchen stool. "What are you doing here? It's barely seven in the morning and it's a Saturday."

"Mm." Alex swallowed before answering. "I wanted to come by earlier to talk to Kara about what we should do next about Lillian."

Lena had forgotten about her mother after last night. She heard the water turn off in the bathroom and she turned her head as Kara stepped out of the bathroom.

Kara was staring at the floor, her hands furiously drying her hair with a towel. Lena glanced at Alex and they both suppressed a laugh. Kara was wearing a blue bathrobe with little ducks on them and she had on fluffy, white slippers.

Kara finally looked up and did a double take. There was no doubt that she had expected Lena to still be asleep and that the living room would be empty. She had not expected her sister to be sitting cross-legged on her couch with a donut in hand. Then, she noticed Lena staring at her and she cleared her throat shyly when she remembered Lena was still wearing her clothes.

"Alex!" Kara exclaimed. "What...?"

"Morning." Alex winked at her sister. "I got you breakfast."

Kara's eyes followed Alex's finger to a paper bag that was sitting right next to Lena.

As much as Alex wanted to tease them, she figured she shouldn't. Yet.

Kara gave Lena an apologetic look when she slid onto the stool next to her. Lena smiled at her but Kara could tell she was embarrassed.

"What are you doing here so early?" Kara finally asked her sister, her mouth full of food.

"What?" Alex struggled to hear and turned to look at her.

"She was going to talk to you about Lillian." Lena answered instead.

Alex was amazed at the fact that she could understand Kara but she nodded in agreement.

"Oh, did something come up?" Kara reached further into the bag but came up empty handed. "Are you going to eat that?"

Lena passed her her half-eaten danish. "Go ahead."

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