Chapter Eleven

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Lena's finger tapped against the wall a few times, gathering her thoughts, before she explained. "Lex used to go on and on about wanting to build a mansion in one of the coldest places in Europe when he was a kid. He liked the cold and he liked that it would be easy to take over their government."

The tip of the mountain that Lex had drawn on the wall had a large house on it, perched at a weird angle.

"He always said he would do it. Just move away and establish his power over somewhere new but I didn't think he would." Lena continued.

"How do you know the exact location?" Alex asked.

She pointed at the chalk drawing. "Look closely at the lines on the mountain." Lena's finger stopped at six different places.

The lines on the mountains seemed to be just that from far away but when Kara and Alex leaned in closer to get a better look, they realized those lines made up six different letters.

"K,Z,N,I,A,A." Kara spelled out.

"Kaznia." Lena said. "It makes sense, too. Red Daughter appeared near Russia or Serbia. He must have been in Kaznia when she was discovered."

"We should get back to the DEO." Alex said. "They'll be glad to know we have a lead."

Lena nodded and walked in front of the Danvers. Kara and Alex followed behind her, arm in arm.

"She's really smart." Kara whispered.

Alex glanced at her sister and saw a small smile on her face. "She sure is." She agreed.

This time, Alex and Lena didn't complain about flying. They needed to get to the DEO as fast as possible and to Kaznia even faster. When they got to the DEO, everyone looked disappointed. Alex was pulled back by one of the agents that were in charge of the day's criminal activities for a briefing.

Kara and Lena went on to gather the people that were in charge of finding Lex and Lillian.

"We believe Lex and Lillian, or at least Lex, are in Kaznia. The search happening here would still continue in case they had fled already but you can all relax a little." Kara told the large group.

There was a collective sigh of relief. Everyone had been working nonstop for hours on end.

"We're going to have to think about which agents to send to Kaznia." J'onn said.

"Oh, don't worry about it." Lena stopped him. "I already have a plan. I just need one or two people to go with me." She hoped she wasn't too obvious about wanting Kara to go with her.

J'onn looked at Kara as if she was the only one who could convince Lena to think it through.

"Lena, you're not specifically trained." Kara warned.

"Fine. You can be the one who comes with me then." She replied, making eye contact with Kara. She tried not to sound too satisfied.

Kara swallowed when their eyes met. "That's not a good idea..." She trailed off. "But I am a pretty good protector."

A few people in the crowd rolled their eyes, including J'onn.

"Alright, fine. But you need a plan." He gave up.

After thinking for two minutes, Lena said, "Supergirl and I will go alone to Kaznia first to see if we could find where Lex and Lillian might be hiding. We'll call for backup at the first sign of danger or Supergirl can fly us back here within minutes if needed."

Kara nodded. "We definitely won't just stay there and fight them and whoever they have on their side now."

Kara and Lena both knew their plan would definitely go wrong but they didn't say anything.

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