Chapter Nineteen

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Maggie ran past a dozen agents, nearly knocking down half of them. She almost bumped into Brainy but he held her steady.

"Where is Alex?" Maggie demanded.

Brainy led her to the medical ward and gave Kara a weird look. He never got used to human relationships and he was still confused about how dating worked. Kara waved him away and gave him an apologetic smile. Maggie could get very protective of Alex.

"Jesus, Alex." Maggie said, fidgeting with Alex's head to look at her bandaged ears.

"I'm fine, babe." Alex insisted. "Really."

Maggie sighed and settled next to her, kissing her girlfriend on the forehead.

Alex, Kara, and J'onn had been caught up in an explosion but they weren't hurt badly. Still, the DEO insisted they should check into the medical ward.

"We can go now, right?" Kara asked Maggie.

She had tried to check them all out twice before but was unsuccessful. It didn't matter that the three of them were the bosses. The agents cared about them like family and they were strict about having the doctors check up on them every time they get injured, no matter how lightly.

Maggie looked between the three of them and saw that they weren't hurt too bad. "Fine."

Kara jumped out of her bed and basically ran for the door. J'onn slowly got up but realized that he was unwanted in the room and quickly followed Kara out of the room.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Maggie turned to look at her girlfriend.

Alex nodded and held her hand. "I promise I'm fine."

"I'm sorry I couldn't get here sooner." Maggie said guiltily.

"Are you kidding?" Alex turned to look at her. "You were at work. This city needs you more than you know."

Maggie smiled at her. "I love you, future wife."

Alex bopped her on the nose, standing up. "Come on, I can't wait to get out of here."

"Where are you going?" J'onn called after Kara.

She glanced back at him briefly but didn't stop. "It's past seven and there's nothing for me to do here."

J'onn stood there, wondering how that answered his question at all. "We haven't found Lillian yet!"

"The DEO is on it. There's nothing I can do!" Kara yelled before flying off into the cool evening.

She knew that finding Lillian Luthor was still the DEO's top priority but she also knew that she couldn't do anything about it. The mission was now in the hands of the tech-savvy people in the building.

She got to LCorp within a minute and she hovered outside Lena's window for a while. Kara hadn't told Lena about what had happened at the location and she knew Lena had been too busy to call her about it. She didn't want her to worry and stress about a few bruises.

Kara watched as Lena got up from her chair, and she took in a sharp breath when Lena took out her ponytail and ran her fingers through her hair. Lena leaned against her desk in deep thought and her hand reached for her phone. At the last second, she snatched back her hand as if it would've burned her.

"Lena." Kara said, making her way into Lena's office through the open balcony doors.

Lena whipped her head around and her eyes instantly softened when she saw Kara. She almost lost her balance when she rushed to her because of her ridiculously high heels but Kara wrapped her up into a hug before she stumbled.

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