Chapter Twelve

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Kara immediately placed herself in front of Lena, her hands raised slightly behind her to hold Lena off. She clenched her jaw and glared at Lex Luthor.

He was wearing a slick black suit with a striped tie and he was standing with his hands in his pockets, ten feet away, like he was the most relaxed he had been in years. He glared back at Kara with a chilling smile on his face.

"Lena, get out of here." Kara's voice warned.

Lena froze, staring at her brother. His expression sent chills down her spine. She didn't recognize the man standing in front of her. He wasn't the same person who had protected her from Lillian. He wasn't the same person who taught her the game of chess or pushed her to start fencing. The man in front of her was a villain she couldn't wait to get rid of. Still, she couldn't move and Kara's words didn't register.

"Lena..." Kara repeated.

She was worried that Lena would be in danger once the fighting started, completely forgetting what she had promised J'onn earlier. She thought about flying Lena out of there so her safety was guaranteed but she didn't want Lex to get away again.

Lena still didn't move. She watched as her brother slowly took his hands out of his pockets and held up two small lead boxes.

"See, I decided to bring my secret weapon in lead boxes so you wouldn't be able to see it or detect it." Lex opened them and eyed the contents inside. "Until I give you the surprise."

Kara yelled out in pain, falling to her knees. Her skin was glowing with bright green lines and it felt like it was about to sear off of her. Lex had brought two sticks of Kryptonite on him, enough to hurt Kara from ten feet away.

"I love that I can so easily make this now. And I altered it so that the dosage in them is much higher." Lex laughed maniacally. "Isn't that great?"

Lena yelped, snapping out of her frozen state, and rushed to Kara's side. She reached out a hand to tilt Kara's head up so that she could see her.

"Kara, are you okay?" She asked, her eyes searching Kara's face.

"Please," Kara gasped. "Get out of here. For me."

Lena's hand brushed Kara's face and Kara closed her eyes tightly in response. She didn't know how to stop Lex and it pained her to leave Kara there when she was vulnerable but she knew her ming would work better if her brother wasn't in the same room. She swallowed hard and glared at her brother.

"Go on, sis." Lex shrugged. "Abandon her. My business is with Supergirl."

Lena winced when Lex dragged out Kara's alias name but she ran out of the room anyway, glancing behind her at Kara one last time.

Lex was still grinning like a psychopath but Kara had felt better when she felt Lena's touch. It gave her a sense of warm and her pain felt like it had been gone for a second. She managed to muster enough strength to challenge Lex. She wasn't about to back down so quickly.

Lex's smile faded when Kara climbed to her feet. Her breathing was heavier but she stayed standing. She tried not to groan out loud from the pain but she knew Lex could see how much the Kryptonite was affecting her.

"For Lena." Kara whispered to herself before charging.

She aimed her leg at Lex's abdomen and he dropped to the ground with a loud thud. She punched him a few times in the face before he avoided her next couple of attacks. His face was cut and bruised, his lip bleeding, but he was able to dodge her heat vision. He reached inside his suit jacket and pulled out a gun.

Kara dodged as Lex shot Kryptonite bullets at her and she was relieved when her cape shielded her from a couple. She leapt over a few cabinets, the sound of the flying bullets went past her ears. She was losing her energy fast and she needed to hurt Lex enough for him to stay out of the fight long enough for her to regain it.

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