Chapter Ten

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Kara picked Sam up and put her back onto the bed while Alex called for the doctors again. They were all worried. They all knew how far Lex and Lillian were willing to go just to get what they wanted but they had no idea exactly how far they went with Sam. Lex and Lillian manipulating Red Daughter only seemed like the half of it.

Alex, Lena, and Kara walked out of the room to give the professionals some space and Kara gathered everyone together.

"Our priority is to find and capture Lex and Lillian Luthor." Kara announced. "They need to be stopped before they can hurt anyone else."

Alex continued. "Agent Jackson, Agent Zhang, Agent Rivera, Agent Ng, and Agent Stark will be the commanding officers for this mission. They will be in charge of finding Lex and Lillian. Each of you will choose four others to create five teams of five. Everyone else, you may continue with your previous work unless you are specifically requested by a commanding officer or a hero for help."

Maggie appeared behind them. "Pretty badass." She smiled at her girlfriend and poked her.

Alex laughed and poked her back. "Get on with it, Sawyers."

Maggie winked at her before leaving the room.

"Well, does anyone have a plan on where to start?" Kara asked.

"We should begin where they were last seen. Lillian disappeared after she took the technology I made her so I don't know about her, but Lex was in prison before he vanished." Lena answered.

"Before a bunch of idiots in power helped him vanish, you mean." Kara said bitterly. She hated corrupt people in power almost as much as Lex and Lillian.

"So let's go back to the prison." Alex tugged on Kara's and Lena's sleeves.

"Woah, wait a second." Lena pulled back a little. "You're not coming with me."

Kara frowned. "Lena, you can't be serious."

"Yeah, you can't go there by yourself." Alex was surprised Lena would even try to talk them out of it. "We have nothing else to do right now, anyway."

Kara and Alex looked at her expectedly and Lena sighed. She didn't really know why she didn't want them to go with her. Maybe she hated the idea that she was angry at Lex for being her brother but she didn't have a solid excuse so she finally let up.

"You three are going back to Lex's prison to look for clues?" Brainy was about to walk past them but stopped for a confirmation.

"How did you know that?" Kara asked, surprised.

Brainy had just gotten there. There was no way he had overheard them. As far as she knew, he didn't have super hearing.

He just shrugged. "I would've done the same. It makes sense to go back to the last place he was seen."

Kara and Lena exchanged a smile. Kara noticed Lena's eyes shine and her own smile grew wider.

Alex turned away from them. "Just continue your search for them. We need all the help we can get." She told Brainy and he nodded firmly.

When the trio finally got to the prison, it had been nearly three hours. Kara had wanted to fly Lena and Alex straight to National City with her super speed but they both refused.

"I had enough flying for today." Lena had said.

Alex agreed. "I had enough flying for the year."

Kara rolled her eyes. She found Alex dramatic every time she made an excuse to not be carried and flown.

This time, though, they didn't have to threaten the warden. He took one look at them and led them straight to Lex's old cell without a single comment. Alex grinned internally, secretly loving the fear that radiated from him.

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