Chapter Seven

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"I'm coming with you." Lena sounded so desperate that the DEO agents agreed without questioning her.

    The ride back to the DEO headquarters was the most stressful thing Lena had ever dealt with in her life. She wasn't sure what was happening and the bustling about of the agents made her even more nervous. Half of those agents were medical professionals, which explained why they didn't even try to be involved with the fight against Red Daughter and Reign.

    Lena was staring at Kara's bloody face the entire ride, trying to tune out the medical terms the agents were sprouting. All she let herself hear was "stable".

    The DEO's ambulance suddenly stopped and she rushed out of the vehicle with the agents behind her, pushing Kara's gurney into the sick ward.

    Lena heard a loud shuffling of feet and she pulled her attention away from Kara and turned to see Alex and half of the DEO behind her. She was supposed to be resting but she overheard the dispatch call that mentioned how badly her younger sister was injured and she forced her way out of medical.

    Alex Danvers took one look at her sister's condition and immediately started giving orders. Kara had just become unstable and they rushed her to a room with yellow sun light treatment. Lena felt lightheaded but she followed anyway.

    "She needs more light." Alex demanded, her expression hard. Her voice was stern but her eyes were wide with fear.

    The doctors increased the intensity of the lights and injected small amounts of drugs into Kara's system to help her body recover as if she was human.

    Lena stood in the corner and was motionless for two hours. During that time, the doctors shuffled in and out to check on Kara's state. The rest of the team, including Alex, came in a few times to check on Kara and on Lena to make sure she was okay, but Lena wasn't paying attention. She remembered nodding a couple of times in response to their questions but she couldn't think of what they were. Her mind was only on Kara but the others must have realized she was in shock because Lena found herself in her own medical room.

    "Lena?" Alex asked softly.

    She had noticed Lena standing as still as a statue for a while but she was so worried about her sister that she hadn't realized that Lena was traumatized, too. Alex led her carefully to a room with the help of Nia and she had done a quick check up on her to make sure she was physically okay. Her only conclusion was that Lena was still in shock from the events and she was about to call in the doctors when Lena stopped her.

    "I-I'm okay." Her voice was shaking but she seemed to be opening up.

    "Lena, you're not. You're in shock." Alex tried to convince her. "You need a doctor."

    "No, really, I'm fine." Lena sounded more stable. "I've had my share of traumatizing experiences and I snap out of my shock quickly. Usually."

    Alex opened her mouth to speak but Lena gave her a look.

    "Alex, I'm okay. I just need to rest a while." Lena assured her.

She leaned back onto the bed and was surprised to feel the bed squeak.

    "What are you doing?" Lena looked up at Alex.

    She had climbed into the bed with Lena and was about to lay down next to her.

    "I'm not about to leave you with that mind of yours." Alex said, her tone slightly teasing. She was serious about staying with Lena, though. She had missed her friend and she knew her watching Kara nearly die was not something that helped her emotional or mental state. Lena told the truth when she said she had her fair share of traumatic experiences and Alex knew better than to let her be by herself. She knew her company would distract Lena from her thoughts, even for a while.

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