Chapter Two

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Lena woke up with a painful hangover and she groaned when her phone continued to ring. She fell back onto her pillow and she stretched out her hand to answer her phone that was on her bedside table.

    She didn't notice the caller ID and was taken aback when a familiar voice came through the speakers.

    "My dear, Lena," Lillian Luthor's tone was flat. "Have you missed your mother?"

    "Lillian." Lena immediately sat up, her white sheets bunched in her free fist.

    "I need your help," Lillian got straight to the point.

    "What else is new?" Lena scoffed.

    "Let me rephrase," Lillian said. "Lex needs your help."

    Lena was speechless. Her brother was the known genius of the family even though the rest of them are extremely intelligent, but Lex never begged Lena for help. Growing up, Lex had been there for Lena and taught her to channel her brain into her work. He was the only one in the Luthor family to treat Lena like she belonged and when he grew up to be one of the most famous villains, she was devastated. Lex was her first betrayal and she learned since, but she always had a soft spot for him.

    "I doubt you'll like your brother rotting in prison. He did have a soft spot for you, Lena." Lillian said slowly, knowing Lena's weakness is lack of love.

    "I'd love that for him, actually," Lena said. "And I thought you'd have a more compelling argument to get me on your side."

    Lillian laughed, sending chills down Lena's spine. "This is just the beginning, Lena. I have already set Lex's plan into motion. Your help is only a small fraction of the plan."

    Lena knew better than to trust her mother and brother again, but her frustration with Kara clouded her logical thinking. She had a feeling her mother was lying but she wasn't sure about what, knowing Lillian's pride was more important to her than Lena herself.

    "Don't call me again," Lena said, trying to sound tougher than she looked. In reality, she was afraid that she would fall to the dark side just like her brother. She had worked so hard for years to get rid of the burden of her family name and she hadn't even come close. Not yet.

    "That is not what I expected." Kara stared, wide-eyed at the hundred foot meta in front of her.

    "Where did he come from?" Nia Nal shouted.

    Kara looked at Dreamer and rolled her eyes. "Definitely Barry."

    The meta roared, deafening the people within a five-hundred foot radius. J'onn appeared, his expression grim.

    "Supergirl, he has Kryptonite," J'onn yelled over the screams of the people in the surrounding area.

    "How do you know? I don't feel it." Kara flew closer and activated her laser eyes, hoping it would penetrate the criminal's skin.

    "It's Chax, Supergirl!" J'onn yelled even louder, afraid of getting too close to the meta.

    Kara froze and Chax's eyes grew red from hearing his name. Chax was just a mere criminal that appeared on the DEO's radar a year ago. He smuggled aliens to an underground ring and Kara had fought him face to face along with a dozen of his partners in crime. She had only lost because they had got their hands on tons of Kryptonite before she had even been able to call for backup. She spent nearly five days in the medical ward in the DEO recovering from the searing pain.

    When Barry messed with the timeline and their earths, the two earths became portals and anyone was able to easily travel between the two if they knew where to look. The Chax that just spun towards Kara and knocked her out of the air was a new meta, either a doppelganger from Barry's Earth, or he had somehow been exposed to a particle accelerator explosion on this Earth.

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