Chapter Eight

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Lena and Alex were pacing back and forth in Kara's recovery room and trying to convince the other that Kara will recover soon. She had been in recovery longer than she should've. Maggie was the only one in the room who was calm and collected but she didn't interrupt Lena and Alex's nervous rants.

"Lena?" A small voice whispered behind them. "Alex..."

They both whipped around and rushed to the bed. Kara had just woken up and she looked horrible, even for someone who had been in a medically induced coma for days. Alex shushed her younger sister, trying to reassure her, but Kara broke down in tears.

Lena grabbed her hand but said nothing. She hated seeing her cry.

Maggie was still standing a good distance away from Kara, knowing she would probably only want her best friend and her sister with her for now. She was surprised when Kara slowly pushed Alex away.

"I-I'm sorry." Kara sobbed. "It's too much."

Alex frowned in concern. "Don't worry about it. We'll be right outside if you need us."

She motioned to Lena and Maggie to follow her out but Kara spoke up.

"Um, Lena," She said hesitantly. "Can you..."

Lena turned around in surprise. She exchanged a look with Alex but Alex only nodded.

Kara and Lena waited for Maggie and Alex to leave before either of them moved. Lena rushed back to Kara's bed and awkwardly stood next to it, waiting for Kara to talk first. In the moment of silence, she noticed Kara's expression. It was full of guilt and disappointment. She had been so drained of energy that Kara's eyes seemed more dull and grey than blue.

Deciding that waiting for Kara to speak first was a dumb idea, Lena brought up the night she passed out drunk. "It was you wasn't it?" She said softly.

Kara looked up at her and her eyebrows came together in confusion. "Wha-"

"The night at the bar." Lena clarified. "You were the one who came and brought me home."

Kara felt her face flush and she hoped Lena didn't notice. "How'd you figure it out?"

"I didn't at first but I figured you were the only one who would do that." Lena replied.

Kara's expression softened at her light tone. "And you didn't say anything? You could've at least gave me a hug to thank me."

"To be fair, I was still mad at you." Lena's tone became more serious. "Kara, I understand now. I truly do."

Kara looked surprised. "You do?"

Lena nodded. "I'm so sorry I didn't try to accept your apology earlier. I don't think I was ready to. I just thought you would never lie to me and I took it harder than I should've when I found out you did."

"I know how much you trusted me. I'm so sorry I ignored it by not telling you such a big secret." Kara apologized herself. "I didn't want you to get hurt because of me. You mean too much to me. You're such a big part of my life and I guess I just didn't want it to go away. I'm sorry I was so selfish."

Lena laughed. "Kara, you're Supergirl. You're National City's hero. There is not a single cell of selfishness in you."

Kara smiled at the compliment and she ran her fingers through her curly blond hair.

"I thought I was only your hero." Kara blurted out and her cheeks immediately felt hot.

Lena locked eyes with her. "Kara Danvers is and will always be my hero."

Kara didn't break the eye contact and she felt her heart flutter. Her breath caught in her throat when she heard Lena's heart beat faster and faster.

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